2021-07-15 Meeting notes

2021-07-15 Meeting notes




  • Change meeting time – Monday at 10am?
  • CDC update on incentives
  • Discuss logic model, including goal/aim statement
  • Discuss selection criteria
  • Review timeline

Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items
Change in meeting timeMarthaChange to Mondays at 10am
  • Martha to send out new invite for  
IncentivesMarthaPermissible to include incentives for patients

Goal/AIm Statement

Logic Model




  1.  Add "other vaccines as applicable"
  2. Add "fully vaccinated"

Other changes:

CHW training

  1.  Add in Cultural Humility
  2. Vaccine Confidence resources
  3. Vaccine 101

Vaccine Hesitancy messages

  1. Sync up with current Messaging Matters project to include some of the questions or feedback
  2. Division of SUD has strong vaccine hesitancy

Selection CriteriaMartha/Darlene/Sarah/Amy/Ted

Health Clinic

  1. Approach is to include a narrative on demonstrated need, experience working with population of focus
  2. Need for clarification on data reporting
  3. RFP will include general language on data reporting but can be "tweaked" with language from NACHC informatics.
  4. Also include contact info for Lead Data person
RFP Process
  1. Add in some more detail about data 
  2. Launch application in August
  3. Select and start by September
Vaccine Ambassador 

Newly hired or current position?

JD drafted

Be good to know up front about CURRENT capacity, will ask in RFP

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