Non-CHW CDC/NACHC/HCH Learning Community
Questions and Answers about the Learning Community for the Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Immunization Program
What is the purpose of the Learning Community?
The Learning Community will provide a space and opportunities for group learning across the entities CDC is funding to increase vaccine coverage among adults in populations that experience racial and ethnic disparities. Members of the Learning Community will connect with peers, CDC project officers, and subject matter experts to share and benefit from best practices, materials, and lessons learned, with the goal of advancing their program activities to achieve their objectives.
Who are the Learning Community members?
Learning Community members are the entities CDC is funding as a part of the Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Immunization Program. The community will involve hundreds of organizations that vary across many dimensions including organization type and size, geographic area served, and the activities and populations of focus for their program.
Which organizations are involved in managing the Learning Community?
Management of the Learning Community is a collaboration between two organizations. The Urban Institute is the Group Learning manager and will focus on creating opportunities for group learning and peer-to-peer information sharing. The CDC Foundation is the Materials Hub manager and will oversee an online repository of materials and resources that Learning Community members and others can access and adapt for use in their programs.
How can I find out about and participate in Learning Community activities?
Initially, your CDC project officer will be the primary source of information about Learning Community events and updates. By mid-summer, the Learning Community’s website will be live. Once registered through the website, members will receive announcements about Learning Community activities and will be able to access a calendar of learning events. Learning Community members can also use the website to connect with their peers to share experiences, including the challenges they are encountering and promising practices they have identified as they implement program activities.
When will these activities start?
Learning Community activities will start in the coming month and will continue throughout the life of the program.
How can I let the Learning Community managers know about a topic I am interested in learning more about?
There are several ways to let Learning Community managers know about learning topics you are interested in:
- Complete the learning needs and expertise survey: Community members are being asked to complete a brief survey about their learning needs, preferences, and areas of expertise. Some members have already completed the survey and others will complete it as part of their program onboarding process later this summer.
- Email the Learning Community managers directly at
- Tell your CDC project officer: Learning Community managers collaborate regularly with the CDC project officers to gather information about learning needs raised during project officers’ discussions with the program recipients they support.
How can I share my experiences and expertise with others in the Learning Community?
We’re so glad you asked! The success of our Learning Community depends on members sharing their experiences and expertise with one another. The community’s website (available to members by mid-summer) will have topical discussion forums where you can ask questions and share lessons learned. In the coming months there will also be opportunities to connect and share experiences with peers through member spotlights posted on the website and in newsletters, through webinars focused on community members’ promising practices, and through Communities of Practice that will be established by early fall.
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