Fall Public Health Integration Team Gathering

Fall Public Health Integration Team Gathering

Dates, Times, Locations

Building: 7501 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814

Tuesday 9am to 5pm- NACHC Small  Conference Room 

Wednesday 9a to 5pm- NACHC Small  Conference Room 

Thursday 9am to 1pm - NACHC Small Conference Room

Front Desk:   Diamond Johnson 301-347-0400

Logistics contact: Sarah's Personal Cell 202-341-4936 (Text works best!)



  • Wear masks in all public areas in the building.
  • Don't wait for a break to take a break if you need one.
  • 11:15am we break and decide what we are doing or ordering for lunch.
  • Payment for meals (Wanda/Jennie per diem).
  • What else?


  1. Meet other team members and define (Business Operations, MH, Communications):
    1. Assets
    2. How to work together
  2. Define roles and responsibilities as a team
    1. Architect
    2. SME
    3. Implementer
  3. Co Design Implementation Strategy for the Year for:
    1. Adult Immunization
    2. Pediatric Weight Management


  1. Understand roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
  2. Implementation Strategy for through June 2022:
    • Adult Immunizations
    • Pediatric Weight
    • Messaging Matters
    • COVID 19 (Vaccine Ambassador and Grant Program)
  3.  "One Pager"
    • Adult Immunizations
    • Pediatric Weight
    • Messaging Matters
    • COVID 19 (Vaccine Ambassador and Grant Program)

Office Assignments

Here is the seating for next week:

Hasna – 1105

Chris E – 1144

Stacia – 1153

Andrea Price  1178

Ray 1107

Wanda --Satellite office (next to Sarah)

Jennie 1108

Lauren 1149

Andrea Arthur 1159

Nicolle 1183 C


Tuesday 9am to 5pm

Topics: Adult Immunizations (AIM), Million Hearts (MH), Communications (COMM)

Small Conference Room (9:00am-5pm) and officesSpecific ActivitiesLead(s)

Check in using the health app "Mobile Check in."

9-9:30amGet settled, then NACHC tour
Sarah Price 
9:30-10:00amCDC Grant CycleUnderstand what is due when

10:00- 10:30

Fellow Roles and Responsibilities

Beginning to understand roles, where to contribute and accountabilities


Adult Immunizations: Current State

  1. Messaging Matters (15 min)
  2. Vaccine Ambassadors (15 min)
  3. Strike Teams (10 min)
  4. CHC Grant Program (15 min)

Strategy for alignment, reinforcing activities and products to build the infrastructure to close care gaps.

Messaging Matters Workplan:  https://confluence.nachc.org/x/8q8JAQ

Vaccine Ambassadors Workplan: 


Strike Teams Workplan:


CCI Workplan:


 Program Strategy PowerPoint

11:30pm -12:55pm

LUNCH (walk then return and  eat together)

Plan for Clinnovations Call

Scope of work timeline and $


868-04 Adult Immunization Workplan 3-30-21.docx

Sarah Price 
1:00pm-1:30pmCall with Clinnovations +Gov Health on AIM Learning Community (on TEAMS):  Jennie, Sarah and KathyConfirm scope of work and timeline and $


Debrief ClinicInnovations. Define timeline, products and outcomes

Implementation plan for AI Learning Community.

Kathleen McNamara (Deactivated) 

2-3pmMeeting with Million Hearts Team (LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM)
3:10pm to 4:10pm

Meeting with Comms Team 

  • LinkedIn Ambassadors
  • Messaging surround boosters
  • How we can help
  • Creative/comm needs across your contracts/wish list
Drafted wish list for design across projectsEllen Robinson (Deactivated) 
4:10-5pmClose out and questions
Kathleen McNamara (Deactivated) 

Wednesday   9am to 5pm, followed by Dinner 

Topics: Pediatric Weight Management (PWM), Informatics

Small Conference RoomSpecific ActivitiesLead(s)
09:00am - 9:30am

Get settled in, check email, etc..


Sarah, Jennie, Kathy, Jessica on PWM Call 

Wanda on her own

10:30am to 12pm


PWM--Planning with Jessica Wallace (Teams and Live)

  1.  PWM National Strategy
    1. Background summary by Jennie McLaurin (Deactivated) 10:30-10:50am
  2. NQF Measure

Jennie only:  Children’s COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Strategy Closed Huddle

Implementation Plan, timeline, roles and responsibilities, Products

Pediatric Weight Management Summary:

Pediatric Weight Management.docx

CDC Workplan:

Continuation Workplan Pediatric Weight 3-21-4-21.docx

Jennie McLaurin (Deactivated) 

12pm-1pmWORKING LUNCH (provided: TrueFood)

1pm to 2:20pm

Meet with Informatics Team


  1. Adult Immunization data (Pedro–30 min)
  2. E Care Plan (Ray–20 min)
  3. Informatics questions/other (Pedro, Ray, Andrea, Efe-30 min)
  4. Internal team meeting meeting structure
  1. Data Dictionary
    1. Instructions
    2. Templates
  2. Reporting
  3. Analysis
  4. E Care Plan with CHWs
  5. Reporting to CDC

Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated) and Efetobore Omadevuae (Deactivated)  for resourcing

2:30pm to 3:30pm

Work/Call time

Wanda/Sarah COVIED

Kathy and Jennie Care Cascade Pediatric Weight




Implementation Strategy for through June 2022:

  • Adult Immunizations
  • Pediatric Weight
  • Messaging Matters
  • COVID 19 (Vaccine Ambassador and Grant Program)

President's Report Completion:  Population Health Pres Report.docx

Sarah/Kathy Interview Specialist Candidate

Who does what?

·       Gantt Chart

·       One Pagers

Fill out President's Report

Sarah Price 

Sarah Price Kathleen McNamara (Deactivated) 

5:30pm-7:30pmDINNER at Persimmons https://persimmonrestaurant.com/  
 (Jennie, Wanda, Sarah, Kathy, Ron)

Thursday   9am to 1pm

Topics: Team Time and Calendaring

Small Conference Room

Specific ActivitiesLead(s)


Get settled in, check email, etc..

9:30am-11:30Scheduling:  meeting set ups, structure, Confluence

Schedule 1:1 and team time

Set up/finalize all Confluence pages and the updating procedure

Sarah Price 
11:30-1pmLUNCH and closing


Dear Confluence Users, If you need support for use of Atlassian tools, please contact informatics@nachc.com whether you have technical issues, need feature assistance, or simply have questions.