2021-06-10 Meeting notes

2021-06-10 Meeting notes











Sara Beth



  • Logistics
    • How many ambassadors will be hired?
    • How does the hiring process work (by NACHC or NHCHC)?
    • If hired through NHCHC, do the associated HCH clinics have existing IT infrastructure to report to the data lake/warehouse?
    • How will clinic selection occur and what qualities/criteria will be used for selection?
    • How will the app collect nuances of vaccine hesitancy and vaccination barriers?
  • Partners/contracts update
  • Timeline

Discussion items

ItemNotesAction Items


    • How many ambassadors will be hired?
    • How does the hiring process work (by NACHC or NHCHC)?
    • If hired through NHCHC, do the associated HCH clinics have existing IT infrastructure to report to the data lake/warehouse?
    • How will clinic selection occur and what qualities/criteria will be used for selection?

    • How will the app collect nuances of vaccine hesitancy and vaccination barriers?

NACHC met with HCH (Bobby and Darlene), NACHC Informatics presented to them as well about the IT infrastructure.    NHCHC is having internal meetings, 

  • Asset mapping (data dictionary (NACHC), CHW training (NHCHC), will build up Confluence page to hold it all.  


3 patient pops (all homeless):  SUD/MOUD, Sex workers, merely homeless??

Training will be needed on all three.  NACHC and NHCHC will NOT hire directly.  Health centers or partner organizations will hire them, based on their patient populations and further delineate...


  • 10-20: at CHC focused on Homeless
  • 10-20: at CHC focused on SUD and especially on outreach
  • 10-20: at CHC focused on sex work

Another option may be sites who are looking at doing "expansion"

Therefore, the organization will be funded to hire the position and would be managed by a contract process.  NACHC would due the contract, designed with NHCHC.  All hires would go through Learning Community and training and report out regularly.  

Key roles for CHW:  how does messaging/work get back to the health care team and support clinical team/SS team..

IT Infrastructure

Julia (NACHC informatics) will lead this work....electronic care plan

Not starting from scratch–can build on data dictionary (1mil patients already in the system).  

Care plan is new to us, but is already built.  Data staff at each site would work with NACHC Informatics and CDC would work together on this piece.  

IIS:  imbalance per state.  CHCs report to IIS, but not all are bi-directional

Other measures may already be in play at NHCHC (PCORNET, etc..)

Clinic Selection

RFP process would include:

  • IT infrastructure
  • Staffing models
  • Population
  • Baseline data (on vaccines–and homeless status)
  • UDS questions (and deeper as needed)

NACHC would run this process

Yes, will be collected..other work being done

  • Partners/contracts update
Some partners may be not funded but will be around the table 


By next week:

  • Goal statement
  • Recruitment strategy–PDs, criteria, etc...

Confluence overview

  • NACHC to provide

  • Sarah to create/update Confluence page and do a review.  Include HCD. VTF pages

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