CAD Internal Strategic Planning for Adult Immunizations 2021-22

CAD Internal Strategic Planning for Adult Immunizations 2021-22

 Purpose: Inform and Align our work

  • Clear idea of the projects
  • Short term and Long Term strategies/alignment

Desired Outcomes for this meeting:

  • funding picture
  • initial outline of related projects
  • shared work agreement
  • work plan high level

Guiding Principles:

  • Alignment with CDC NOA
  • synergy vs duplication or competition
TopicNotesAction Items

2-2:20pm:  Overview of All AIM Projects:  Sarah and Kathy

  1. $7.3m Vax Hesitancy #XXX-01 - C19 vax by end of August 2021
    1. $1.3 Messaging Matters under AIM - Emory/JHU
      1. Listening sessions staff, CHW, patients - Sarah & Wanda - Logistics
    2.  Strike Teams in PR and USVI
    3. $4m Vaccine Ambassadors -  Expanded Care Team Models (CHW ) for Homeless and Sex Workers
  2. $9m Health Center Grant #XXX-01
  3. $2m C19 870-02

2:20-2:40:  Strike Teams

  1.  Listening Session Tour with incarcerated women along the border.  No hesitancy, just access issues which were addressed through these sessions. 
  2. Two 4-person teams outside SJO PR 
    1. Meeting with Health Dept (Hector)
    2. Meeting with HCCN (Hector)
  3. USVI
    1. Del will be there week of  
  4. Activities:
    1. Weekly meeting with Del
  5. Staff:
    1. Sarah, Kathy, Del (Migrant Clinicians Network)

Vaccine Ambassadors

  1. $4 million ($550K for CareMessaging)
  2. SOW still under discussion, but on-ramp is Covid-19 vaccine
  3. Healthcare for the Homeless (HCH) : Elena Boyer, Darlene Jenkins, Bobby Watts
    1. Number of Vaccine Ambassadors
    2. CHW Curriculum (NACHC to develop vaccine specific content)
  4. NACHC team: Sarah, Kathy, Ted, Cassie, Camila (TBD)

2:40-3pm:  Messaging Matters


Messaging Matters

Funding: $1.3 million from Vaccine Hesitancy to NACHC staff

  • $400,000 to JHU for app from $7 million CDC dollars MomsTalkShots application to be repurposed to cover vaccine hesitancy/messaging
  • GHC3 funded separately unknown $ from external source
  • NACHC will continue the messaging work by pushing messages content out through patient communities via social media, blogs, print-- led by Ellen ($600,000 with NACHC comms team and population-specific messaging subs)
    • Monthly meetings with PCAs to broadcast messaging

Timeline: Major scope completed by August, Emory to be completed with contract August


  • Listening sessions (90 minutes) with patient populations of health centers of interest (Baltimore, Detroit, Phoenix, LA, Georgia, Houston, Queens)—follow up listening sessions included with same patients
  • HC staff listening sessions, HCW groups
  • Recordings from Emory
  • Emory to create a report on the messages 
  • Moms Talk Shots app update delivered to NACHC and distributed
  • Jennie McLaurin to do a summary as well
    • Pull some patient stories

Staff: Sarah and Wanda

Type of work: Logistics, communications

Questions and Follow Up Items:

  • Requirements and functionality/content for JHU app
    • Integration approach if any to HC workflow and deployment approach
    •  Hosting and long term support? JHU (confirm approach)
  • Emory products and timing?
    • Immunization data messages or interoperability challenges? other logistical challenges to vaccination?
  • Sarah Priceto get app specs, user stories/requirements and proposed workflows to sent to Informatics team

3:30-3:50:  Health Center Grant - CCI Innovations Discussion

  1.  $9 million
  2. Will need data definitions - Dana Boyer will have data/formats.
  3. Build on everything we have learned from $2mil over last 3 years and also the $7.3
  4. Adult Immunization (not just COVID)
  5. Approach:  Giant Design and Harvest Meetings, led by CCI.  Include Fred/Andrew/Ben (AC/OCHIN)
  6. Next Steps: CCI proposes a date
  7. Groups
    1. Alaska - Patty
    2. Oregon - Dr. Dean Schillinger and epi, Joan Pateki Oregon PCA (Jennie is writing it up)
    3. Massachusetts
  8. Role of CCI: the will be the vendor - design work, learning community.
  9. Role of Informatics: See what we learn in the first 3 projects under the $7.3m
  10. Timeline: recruitment starts in October 2021
  11. Partnering with Claire Hannan CEO of Nat'l Assoc of Immunization Managers - they are July 22 meeting with new immunization managers.

Resurrecting the IIS Survey and White PaperGoal: come up with data and stories about the need for Immunization Gateway rather than IIS.

3:50-4:20:  Adult Immunization Learning Community Discussion

 Clinnovations GovHealth


Expanding the number of partners

  • Alabama
  • North Dakota
  • TX
  • El Rio dropped out this year
  • MO? Joe Perly close with Azara

Debrief the current 12 partners over July 2021

then design Learning Community

Design meeting 

CHI Activities


Put PRO-PM through the race ethnicity lens - DEI.  

Clinical outcomes tat work against – Dan Miller

Closing the Care Gap
  1. Post partum
  2. Million hearts
  3. Adult Immunizations

Get the leadership breakfast to identify which are the top 5 measures that would close the care gaps.

Year of Healing

Meeting structures
  • Keep all July schedules and learn from the Clinnovations inquiry
  • Do one hour per project per month - make it Office Hours
  • Put all the admin on a confluence page and keep the call all about data.

HR Staffing

All still in play -

New applications for 

Hired for Russell's job
  • knows finance
  • from Democratic Endowment
  • internationally

Discussion Outline for each Project:

  1. Who on the NACHC Team is the Lead?  Who are the other NACHC that are/need to be involved?
  2. Who are our outside partners?
  3. What is the timeframe?
  4. What are the Informatics related deliverables?
  5. What are the non-informatics related deliverables?
  6. Other specifics?
  7. Immediate next steps

CAD Matrix as of 9/20/21


Adult Immunizations

Vaccine Ambassadors

(CHW Homeless)

Messaging Matters

(Vaccine Hesitancy)

Innovation Grant Program

(design thinking, Human centered design and lessons learned from COVID 19)





Co- Design with Patients and Staff

·        Support

·        Co design











Project Design, recruitment, staffing, budgets

Project Design, recruitment, staffing, budgets

Project Design, recruitment, staffing, budgets

·        Co-design

·        Project Design, recruitment, staffing, budgets


·        Staffing grid, budget reconciliation, NACHC Leadership

·        Staffing grid, budget reconciliation, NACHC Leadership

·        Staffing grid, budget reconciliation, NACHC Leadership

·        Staffing grid, budget reconciliation, NACHC Leadership


·        OCHIN

·        Alliance

·        Alaska

·        MCN

·        Health centers (Pharmacists)

New Networks

·        AL

·        North and South Dakota

·        Nevada

·        40 health centers serving homeless, SUD, and sex for work

·        COVIED

·        Emory

·        JHU

·        Center for Care Innovation

Meeting Times

·        CDC once a month Fridays 2:00 pm

Weekly: Monday 10 am

·        Bi-weekly Wednesday and Fridays 2:30 pm

·        CDC technical lead meeting Fridays 9:30 am (bi-weekly)

·        30 minutes weekly  waiting to confirm time with CCI


·        Clinic Innovations (Learning Community)

·        Council Health Care for the Homeless

·        HealthLink Fhir app

·        JHU (animation)

·        TBD

Virtual Repository

·        Confluence




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