2021-07-08 Meeting notes Vaccine Ambassador

2021-07-08 Meeting notes Vaccine Ambassador












  • Introductions (as needed)
  • Updates on project-specific budget (if available)
  • Progress updates on partnerships and contracts
  • Share updated goals and aims and discuss as needed
  • Discuss criteria for selecting clinics and ambassadors
  • Estimate projected timeline—rough estimate is fine
  • Schedule of upcoming meetings

Discussion items

ItemNotesAction Items
  • Updates on project-specific budget (if available)

NACHC has pulled all the budgets apart per budget and submitted.

NACHC and HCH still need to meet....SOW and budget with HCH finance/lawyers

  • NACHC will finalize this (see below)
  • Share updated goals and aims and discuss as needed

Review of Logic Model–by HCH


Activities should include:

  • The ability to do POC vaccination (mobile)
    • Offering vaccine options, not just J&J.  (example: J&J often offered, but may need to transport pts if they want a different vaccine)
  • Education:  myth dispelling (learning circles, POC education)
    • Would include skills on how to refer questions that they can't answer to other
    • This would be part of the curriculum–MI, trauma informed care, SDOH, etc..
  • Incentives to patients may be expected at this point
  • Alaina to share edits to Logic Model
  • Discuss criteria for selecting clinics and ambassadors


HCH checked UDS for HCH sites who have listed CHW in their FTE .  Found 18, tho this is underreported due to requirements.  


  • High preference to recruit sites that ALREADY have CHWs on staff.
  • Sites with experience working with SUD and/or sex work
  • IT infrastructure/capacity
  • Clinic stability/leadership


  • Strong communication skills
  • Resourceful
  • Commitment to vaccines


  • Martha to provide recruitment list....
  • Estimate projected timeline—rough estimate is fine
  1. Finalize Logic Model
  2. HCH finalize budget
  3. Timeline
    1. Design
    2. Launch
    3. Implementation
    4. Summary/Harvest
  • NACHC/HCH to work on #1-3 within the next week
  • Schedule of upcoming meetings

NACHC proposing a different schedule:

Ted/Bobby will lead the work (NACHC and HCH), Sarah to receive updates 

Monthly finance meeting with CFOs

Monthly meeting 

  • Martha to send out Doodle poll for new meeting time that can include Ted

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