2021-06-24 Meeting notes

2021-06-24 Meeting notes



NACHC, CDC, HCH Council 


Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items

GOAL: To create a Community Vaccine Ambassador Training Program for Health Center Enabling Services Workforce (Community Health Workers, Outreach Staff, Enrollment and Eligibility Workers, etc.) that increases the number of  individuals  experiencing homelessness that receive preventive services. Emphasis will be placed on training appropriate staff to connect or re-connect unstably housed individuals to primary care and facilitate them receiving vaccines including COVID-19, influenza, Hepatitis A&B and other health services such as STD testing and treatment.

AIM:    To train and support XXX number of vaccine ambassadors to reach XXX number of high-risk patients who would benefit from vaccine preventative services ( COVID-19, influenza, Hepatitis A&B etc) care management for HIV, STDS, medical respite and social services.

Notes today based on Logic Model:

  • HCH Council is adding details to this:  training, outreach, #s, etc..
  • Question:  should we look at CHCs that already have a CHw program?  (will save time)  YES

  • Training MUST include data entry, trauma informed care

  • Sex worker patients are the hardest to identify without assumptions, biases,, etc...  What is the screening for this/identification?  Some CHCs are funded to work with this population, but unsure as to how to identify and reach this population. 
    • NACHC:  We know CHCs who work with this population so they can tell us how to do this.  They are the experts and can tell us how to expand this.  This will not be in any database.  

  • With this population, may be less about hesitancy, but more about prioritization/competing needs.  End goal is to get vaccinated, but other needs may need to be met first.  (add this as a short term outcome??) 

  • HCH to share updated #s/approach (primary and secondary)
  • Logic Model to be fleshed out by CDC based on HCH updates
Hiring Ambassadors

HCH has a curriculum and guides on how to onboard CHW but also organizational support

Most likely CHWs will be funded only part time (although they are full time and doing other work

  • HCH to share this
  • Build this into the logic model

Geographic representation?  Not necessary, but some thought should be put in the process, so not ALL urban, or in the West, etc...

Question: how many health centers/CHWs?  Multiple CHCs with multiple CHWs or more CHCs with fewer CHWs?

  • Could be either

Funding may vary based on CHCs/CHWs and the population they are trying to reach/#s of those pops.  Will need to tailor to each individual CHC.  

HCCN Connection
Most HCH CHCs don't work with HCCNs.  Thus even more burden comes with data capture for the CHCs.  
Ambassador onboarding and learning community
  1. Up front training
  2. Monthly call with topic and discussion and pull out lessons learned for everyone
  3. Remember that vaccine approaches and strategies are changing rapidly and we need to be flexible
    1. May want to stagger CHWs:  new, some exp, experts
    2. May need to be more flexible up front, leading to more sustainable practices
  4. Identify "panel size", which will help with outcome measures 
  5. HCH can look in their "toolkit" to identify a place to start

  • HCH to share toolkit, Sarah to post on confluence.

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