SIPS NFP (Neighborhood Family Practice) File Upload Page

SIPS NFP (Neighborhood Family Practice) File Upload Page

Patient-level data Upload Process:

See SIPS Data Walkthrough for detailed instructions on what data to submit

  1. Click the link below to create a Jira ticket for your data upload

  2. To attach your data to the ticket, drag the file(s) from your file explorer into the ticket body. Alternatively, click 'Browse' and select your file(s) from the popup window.

    1. Data file format (no spaces) (use underscores): 

      1. (YYYY_MM_DD) (NACHC Project Code) (SenderName).xls     

      2. Example: 2020_04_01_C19_ABCPCA.xls

  3. Fill out the following fields:

    1. Data Extract Timeframe (Required)

      1. Select the month(s) covered by the data extract. If this is a historical or retroactive upload, check only the 'Baseline' box.

    2. Description (Optional)

      1. If you have any additional notes you'd like to be included with your upload, add them here.

    3. Reporter (Required)

      1. Put in your full name as the reporter.

  4. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the form and click 'Create' to finalize your data submission.

  5. Check the chart below to review the status of your previous data uploads.

Link: Create Data Upload Ticket

Instructions for Activities & Weekly Data:

  1. Please upload your files by drag + drop or by browsing your computer.

  2. Once the file is uploaded, look for the caret to the left of the file name, which will show you an expanded box. 

  3. Data file format (no spaces) (use underscores): 

    1. (YYYY_MM_DD) (NACHC Project Code) (SenderName).xls     

    2. Example: 2020_04_01_C19_ABCPCA.xls

  4. Activity file format (spaces are OK):

    1. (Date) (NACHC 3-4 letter project code) (Sender Name) (Name of document).doc     

    2. Example: 2020-04-01 C19 ABCPCA COMMENTS ON FACT SHEET.doc

File Upload for Activities and Weekly Data:


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