Adult Immunizations Year 6 (2023-24)

Adult Immunizations Year 6 (2023-24)

Welcome to the Adult Immunizations Y6 Confluence space!

This space will house all Adult Immunization project-related resources that our partners can use and collaborate with NACHC!

For any questions or assistance needed with this Confluence space, please contact Jonathan (juy@nachc.com)

Vision, Mission, & Objectives

The National Association of Community Health Centers, (NACHC)  through the  Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnershipsto Improve and Protect the Nation's Health  Adult and COVID-19 Immunization efforts  will build on previous accomplishments prioritizing the scale of clinical evidence, Justice-Equity-Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) and applying implementation science for sustainability.  

In year 6, NACHC’s strategies focus work with primary care associations, health center-controlled networks, and health centers in evidence-based quality improvement to engage high risk vulnerable populations to address infectious disease prevented by immunizations.   

Results will include:  

Summarizing lessons learned from working with more than 80 health center sites over 5 years 

  • An evidence- based multi method curriculum for health centers, primary care associations, and health center controlled-networks to improve and sustain immunization rates, including standard immunization practices, policies and prioritization of preventive health.  

  • A quality improvement toolkit for health centers and networks to successfully standardize adult immunization practices in primary care: 

  • Standardized data request form to advance data informed decision making. 

  • Assessment forms for each Standard for Immunization Practice area to improve processes. 

  • Manuscripts for Publication summarizing lessons learned. 

  • National Communication strategy for health centers to improve Adult Immunization Practices 

 Health Equity and Vaccines 

  • Standardized data request form to advance health equity data to close care gaps 

 To implement, scale and spread, NACHC will leverage its communication infrastructure, strategic partnerships, data-driven approach, and unique reach to the 1,400 health centers, 27,000 Clinicians, and 30,000,000 patients.  

Proposed Y6 Timeline









Kick-off Meeting

Jan 26​

Partner Preparation

Partner Report-Out Preparation

Pre-Visit Planning: Standing Orders

Work Session #1 Feb 23​

Work Session

#2 Mar 22​

Follow-Up Apr 26​

Document Vaccine Decline/Reason for Decline

Work Session #3 May 24​


June 28​


July 26​

Intervention Implementation

Partner 1:1s

-------------------------------------------------------------As needed---------------------------------------------------------------

Data Reports

Health Center Teams & Anticipated Involvement 

Team Member



Team Lead/QI Lead/Vaccine Champion​

Manage project team to ensure timely deliverables​

Attend meetings, document workflows, serve as coordinator for data pulls, workflow changes, implementation activities​

Nurse/MA/QI Team​

Implementation planning/implementation (PDSA work)​

Actively participate in work sessions, develop and implement targeted change plans, connect data results with implementation efforts​

Data Lead​

Data Reports​

Investigate which structured data codes are in the EHR, how often are they charted, how easy/hard is the report to pull? Can it be pulled by provider/pod/pt type/visit type?​

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