SIPS Data Walkthrough

SIPS Data Walkthrough

Welcome to the SIPS Data Walkthrough page! Below are videos and resources that will guide you on how to submit patient-level data that we will use to validate your health center’s vaccination rates.

If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan at juy@nachc.com

**Important note: all of the following videos were made for and reference a different project, but please refer to the SIPS-specific Data Request instructions for the relevant details regarding date ranges, project-specific vaccinations, etc.


NACHC SIPS Data Request Instructions


NACHC Adult Immunization Data Dictionary


NACHC Adult Immunization Data Request and Table Description




NACHC SIPS “Small Data” Weekly Data Run-Chart


1. Introduction

(0:47) *Note: as stated above, these videos were made for a different project, but the data process will be largely the same for SIPS. Please see the NACHC SIPS Data Request Instructions in the Resources for SIPS-specific data requirements.

2. Measures and Documents

(5:12) *Note: for SIPS, vaccinations will be COVID and Pneumococcal

3. Instructions


4. Demographics


5. Encounters



(1:00) *Note: SDOH information is optional for partners and should only be included if targeted population/intervention is based on this data/requires this data to specify that population.

7. Vaccinations


8. QA Review


9. Data Dictionary


10. Frequently Asked Questions



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