2021-03-19 WHPP All Partner Meeting notes

2021-03-19 WHPP All Partner Meeting notes



Women’s Health Post Partum project (CDS, GDM, eCQM)

    1. Progress towards QI work
    2. Monthly data?
    3. NACHC PP measure specification documents
      1. Composite approach
      2. Contraception
      3. GDM
      4. PP Depression?
      5. Lactation?
    4. AMIA CIC touch base

Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items
QI work 

Partners implementing status

EHR changes - technical 

Where you think you'll be 1-2 months from now

a. OCHIN - Michele Whitt (Unlicensed)

  1. 3 centers have agreed to participate; 2 are working on what they want to focus on and have a good grasp on what they want to do; 1 has been working on the build, another will have by end of month. 
    1. Each site. of 2, has its own build for VIP Express Lane - same concept, different build. 
    2. 3rd site is still in planning phase; at least another month before their build is set up.  They may not do VIP Express Lane; they have not decided firmly on their activity.  They have a lot of areas of interest, trying to help them narrow down. Will be speaking with them on  
    3. At the end, this gives us a chance to see what we learn from the 3 sites and how to push that out to the collaborative.
  2. QA chart reviews - will be doing those soon.

b. AllianceChicago - rpadilla@alliancechicago.org (Unlicensed)

  1. 3 centers have agreed to participate, 2 additional ones are possible
  2. Decided on Pregnancy Episode 
  3. Met with Informatics Team to scope out places in EHR that could be add-ons or edited. They will provide mock-up by  
  4. Plan to be testing in early May.  Some are already doing "soft" implementation, others by April.
  5. Working with Health Catalyst team that builds out registry.  Even without having a pregnancy episode, building a list so centers can follow up on patients who meet the metrics (that are decided upon).  CHCs agree this is a critical support to them for case management for PP.  This is a game-changer for population health management for patients!

c. Discussion

  • OCHIN has pregnancy episode - OCHIN is developing OB dashboard; is an ongoing project of 5-months.  They have a meeting with analyst weekly for the build.
  • Can pull where they delivered, info about baby, about GDM status.  EPIC specialist has been working on.
  • Alliance can check in with OCHIN to find out more.     
    • Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)  to add this to next meeting, functionality, what it looks like - Primary topic for next call, post a Confluence page and invite others to contribute topics and questions for that discussion. And add discussion of measures at the end.

  1. NACHC PP measure specification documents
    1. Composite approach
    2. Contraception
    3. GDM
    4. PP Depression?
    5. Lactation?

Great measure - very exciting. 

Is there a deadline? Mostly rolling, but there are certain review cycles.

Lisa and Michele both have feedback - would like to go in depth.

Have a comment period followed by a discussion.

Depression measure?

Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated) interest in writing this up - Former user (Deleted) is the specialist on this.  rpadilla@alliancechicago.org (Unlicensed) Ta-Yun Yang (Unlicensed), Jenna

How to distinguish this from UDS PP depression measure?

CMS has a measure for exclusive breastfeeding? 

Care transition care process.. 

This is critical to maternal mortality prevention.

Updates – -

AMIA registration April 8

HRSA NTTAP session

Data Collection Results

AMIA CIC touch base

S06: Panel - Inequity in Health Information Technology: Women's Health Data Elements, Interoperability, USCDI v2 and Terminology Challenges on May 19, 2021 EDT.

Hello!     Deadline for early registration  - you can charge registration to the project


All presenters are required to register for the AMIA 2021 Virtual Clinical Informatics Conference by Friday, A

Early rates apply through Thursday, April 8. After April 8 regular rates apply.

Invite OCHIN to Alliance meeting Friday   or  – 

April 16 is Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated) bday!! (heart)  (tongue)

QI deadlines

for UCSF Women's Health Contraception - there is no expectation that partners have to submit that by a specific date because there is no signed agreement SOW yet.  There is a change package that NACHC will ask partners to review, but partners do not have to use that specific tool -  NACHC will create a 1-page form that partners would fill out to document that QI changes they wanted to implement. 

Next All _Partners Meeting  

Jamie Kim's question on OPA CDC call - do we have lab values (results for GDM?) as part of this data set?

Jamie Kim's question on OPA CDC call - do we have lab values (results for GDM?) as part of this data set?

the actual results or within or outside reference range vs normal

AllianceChicago - Yes - we are using lab values to create GDM=YES if it was not coded as an ICD code. Yes, hoping to use those values. Using them pre-natal to validate and identify patients who might be at risk, so they can generate a list of higher risk patients if there is not an ICD.  Already doing this - can be modified if NACHC prefers Yes/NO rather than just values.

OCHIN - Yes, we can support the results w/in the query, but have not pulled in reference ranges.  Yes, it is useful information. Wants to think about.  OCHIN is already supplying the values, but would have to consider if reference ranges/abnormal flags would be feasible.

Do you prefer NACHC to dump in the reference ranges and the values?  Note - reference ranges may be different.

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