2020-11-06 WHPP Y3 Kickoff Meeting Notes

2020-11-06 WHPP Y3 Kickoff Meeting Notes



NACHC Informatics TeamCDC - Division of Reproductive HealthAlliance ChicagoOCHIN

Julia Skapik (Deactivated), Medical Director Informatics

Sarah Price, Deputy Director Public Health Integration

Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated), Clinical Data Scientist

Raymonde Uy (Unlicensed), Physician Informaticist

Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated), Deputy Director, Informatics Projects

Office of the Director

Lisa Romero, Health Scientist, 

Heather Tevendale, Health Scientist

Omar Al Naimi, Public Health Informatics Fellow, Office of the Director

Fertility  Epidemiology  Studies Team

Kate Curtis, Health Scientist, 

Maura Whiteman, Team Lead

Shelly Sital, Director of Testing and Surveillance

rpadilla@alliancechicago.org (Unlicensed), Research Manager

Lisa Masinter, Director of Research

Michele Whitt, OB/GYN, Clinical Informatics

Craig Karls, Sr Business 

AnneMarie Overholser, Physician Informaticist


  1. Introductions & CDC Welcome (10 minutes)
  2. Review of Past Work to Set the Stage (2 min)
  3. Project Scope (2 min)
  4. Partner Deliverables & Timeline (3 min)
  5. Shared Goals (20 min)
  6. Shared Next Steps (10 min)

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Human Centered Design Personas

Julia Skapik (Deactivated) personas are: 

  1. Patient
  2. Care Team Member

Each site describes their choice of patient(s); NACHC does not have requirements about which types of patients to describe in the personas.

Shared Goal StatementsAlliance Chicago 


  1. There are a lot of different projects 
  2. how to optimize front end work flow and back end data collection
  3. Easy to provide guidelines, but harder to implement change, i.e., getting the patients back in the clinic, counseled in a certain way that will lead to improvement in outcomes. 


  1. Address the above Impacts 
  2. Address quality of care


  1. support health and reproductive health in our partner sites
  2. Move the needle with respect to performance metrics, how to move the needle on the gaps in value-based care for reproductive health - this work can move the priority forward/



  1. Are we getting all the data from all the best places -  data are recorded in various fields, etc.
  2. Getting and maintaining health center participation in this project given competing demands
  3. We are trying to provide structure around data analysis AND a change on the ground at the clinical level
  4. Providing data alone will not effect the changes we are looking for, there is a decision-maker level and clinician-level effort that needs to happen - data can inform that effort.  Having the data will help elevate this work - even to the level of a UDS metric - with the data we can effect the change on the ground - it is a difficult task.


  1. Understanding our data better
  2. Getting involvement in the project


  1. Building an OB dashboard with some of the elements of this project
  2. More access in EHR to population health data

Shared GoalsJulia Skapik (Deactivated)
  • To understand OB/WH data through best practices and meaningful performance measures to implement optimal data feedback and workflow changes to add value to our health center partners.

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