2024-01 Questions for WHPP IG Julia & Partners
Ad Hoc Meetings with Partners Agenda
1. Videos for the Implementation Guide by April 19
The NACHC Women’s Health Postpartum project invites you to create one or more one-minute videos that we can add to our Improving Quality for Postpartum Care Implementation Guide.
We hope you agree that links to a few brief videos on practical topics will help care team members around the country learn about what you’ve achieved and the words of wisdom you can share. Below are topics we hope you can discuss in the video clips we envision. If you think you can capture all points within one, one minute video – that’s great. If you want to break-down the topics into shorter segments, each with its own video, that’s fine too.
Please let us know if you’re interested in contributing. We would need your videos recorded by April 19, 2024.
Instructions to record your video:
Place your phone in the horizontal position
Space your camera arm’s length away from your face, ideally around eye height
Use a blurred background. Consider recording this way in Zoom, Teams, or another video tool
Make sure you’re in a quiet place
Practice what you want to say a few times before filming so you can get your points across within 1 minute (if you go over a bit, that’s fine)
Be yourself! Talk to the camera as if you’re talking to a friend
Example explaining a strategy to lower barriers to care: Kevonya: A trauma informed late policy... - YouTube (1 min 15 sec)
Example of a putting a model into action Naomi: Low barrier substance use disorder treatment - YouTube (53 sec)
Topics to cover:
Approach to building pregnancy episode in the EHR
Considerations of above approach
Impact on care
Topics to Cover:
Working with payers in pregnancy
Value of navigators and doulas
How to incorporate above and the quality improvement activities into the workflow
Benefits you’ve witnessed for patients and providers when quality improvements are successful
Topics to Cover
What is the postpartum express lane?
Postpartum episode
Care team reaction to new support in EHR and best practices
Impact of external data in the record
Privacy and security of repro data
3. Date you can make the Stakeholders Meeting
Wed June 5 1pm ET OCHIN can if necessary.
Wed June 12 4pm - Conflict from 3-4pm Liz, Julia has 12 noon, possibly 4pm - This week is Million Hearts Harvest Meeting.
Tues June 18 - JS cannot do 11am ET; OCHIN could do 1pm ET
Tues June 25 1pm or 3pm ETC would work for OCHIN
Wed June 19 11:00am, 2:00pm or 3:00pm - This is a NACHC holiday
Wed June 26 is no good, unless 4pm ET for OCHIN
4. Data deadlines.
NACHC Data Request 0f 3/19/24
2. Julia’s Questions for the Implementation Guide
Purpose of Guide:
to support all w in the EHR, practical guide to what to do - what should we be DOING
Audiences: Medical Director for Department -
Desired Outcome:
Clarity on what graphics/charts/data needs to be included in the WHPP IG
What we want from partners for the optional measures
Review comments from WHPP Guide
Define Optional WHPP Measures for Year 6
[3:05 PM] Julia Skapik NACHC
Also, reviewers want to see these gaps filled: items in RED are for partners assistance
Summary check list of things to include in a perinatal QI improvement process
- this will be a checklist based on the 8 steps and some of the substeps - Erica will draft.-- this is not for partners except feedback when it is complete
An appendix related to reporting requirements/standards for EHRs - for example: With CMS adopting most and moderate methods of contraceptive care for child (15-20) as a mandatory reporting measure starting this CY, and with many states who may be voluntarily including adults (22-44) should we include this in our document
Julia will ask Gervean for this by April 4th
this is lowest priority but I am sending email now
Clarity on who this guide is for: which actions are for which team-members
this was already done above
Opportunities to build in QI for the patient experience -
Will ask each partner if they have patient facing or patient experience staff who are supporting health center patients
CAHPS, patient advisory councils
Resources: maybe this is useful from Chicago: patient engagement. EverThrive: Supporting Healthy Pregnancy in Chicago
(5) Smartset build guidance document
a. What components do you include in the smartsheet?
b. What are the CDS items?
c. What information did care teams need to view in the smartsheet?
d. Do you display measures that have been already fulfilled? If so how?
e. Can you share a screenshot or example?
(6) domain specific guidance on measures and pregnancy-related areas of specialization
a. Added contraception based on Upstream materials (ok to provide more)
b. For partners: do you have any training or other supplemental guidance on the following: look at CPSP program in California for guidance, intake process/form, postpartum CPSP monitoring
Pregnancy/postpartum episode and comprehensive follow up
Hypertension of pregnancy
Postpartum depression
GDM management and postpartum GDM screening
Substance use in pregnancy
Prenatal anemia and hemorrhage
Lactation evaluation and support
Pregnancy navigators and patient support
(7) Please address this from Shanna Cox & add content as needed: There is an AIM bundle on postpartum discharge transition that may make a nice connection on interoperability Postpartum Discharge Transition | AIM (saferbirth.org)
Screenshots and example user interfaces for dashboards: quality measure dashboard examples from Relevant? (Aliados)
how do users access the measure results and drill down to fill care gaps? – this is done in EHR for Aliados
NACHC team to build a version of this
Items missing: 1) checklist, 2) reporting appendix, 3) QI for patient experience, 4) resources, 5) spreadsheet on smartsets, 6) documentation for EHR guidance
Health Centers can be an implementation arm of MMRC prevention recommendations and I believe that is the purpose of Dave's team's project – we can ask Wanda about this no idea who Dave is
An appendix related to reporting requirements/standards for EHRs - for example: With CMS adopting most and moderate methods of contraceptive care for child (15-20) as a mandatory reporting measure starting this CY, and with many states who may be voluntarily including adults (22-44) should we include this in our document
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