Partner Guests at CDC HIV Meetings

Partner Guests at CDC HIV Meetings

Nature of presentation 

General Opportunity to meet and speak with our CDC colleagues.

Possible Talking Points

HIV testing, challenges, opportunities, and successes. 

What you want them to hear, your story, how this project can potentially help improve your systems. 

Outreach you are doing, what is easy and what is difficult to collect.

If you'd like to present data, you can. 


15 minutes or more if there is only one partner.

Outreach you are doing, what is easy and what is difficult to collect.

Meetings are 11:00am - 12:00pm Eastern

DatePartner #1Partner #2Invitations SentCompleted
June 17 El Rio slides OACHC/ Lower Lights CHC slides (tick)(tick)
July 1AllianceChicagoFenway(tick)
July 15
Aug 26AllianceChicago

Slide Presentation Uploads (Optional)

CDC Meeting Slide Shows

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation NACHC-eCDS-CDC-Meeting.pptx

Jul 16, 2021 by Andrea Price Old Account

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