Terminology, Value Sets, FHIR and CPG Resources
FHIR Clinical Guidelines
Factors Conferring “High Risk” Category Membership - Value Set Here
Male-to-male sexual contact
IV drug use
Heterosexual or other contact with:
Anal intercourse without condom
Vaginal intercourse without a condom and with more than 1 partner whose HIV status is unknown
Individuals who exchange sex for drugs or money
Having STI
Partner with STI
Partner with HIV
Partner in other high-risk category above
People requesting STI testing
Patients with TB
Indication for immediate screening:
Healthcare exposure to blood or other infectious bodily fluid
Request for pre-exposure screening prior to new partner
Pregnant women in labor, recommend Rapid HIV test—otherwise routine HIV testing
- Rapid testing: Rapid HIV test IF POSITIVE then:
- also order HIV-1 and HIV-2 with HIV-1 p24 antigen IF POSITIVE then use routine testing pathway
- OR
- Routine testing: HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies with HIV-1 p24 antigen with reflex (automatic) supplemental testing if positive
- AND: If supplemental testing indeterminate:
- After all NEGATIVE testing:
- Routine safe sex counseling
- Consider offering PrEP
- After all POSITIVE testing:
- Optimally there would be an HIV treatment CDS pathway triggered
- At a minimum:
- Counseling
- Referral for HIV specialty treatment
- HIV viral load test
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