872 HIV CDS Marketing
Page on NACHC Web site: https://www.nachc.org/resource/hiv-plan-app/
2 pager
Explanation –
It assesses if the person has taken the lifetime HIV test; (TIER 1)
It then assesses if they have higher risk that warrants annual testing – this includes injection-drug users and their sex partners, persons who exchange sex for money or drugs, sex partners of HIV-infected persons, and Gay or Bisexual men or heterosexual persons who themselves or whose sex partners have had more than one sex partner since their most recent HIV test - without any STI in the past 6 months or PEP use in the past 12 months. In practical terms, most of this data is not properly collected, so it boils down to MSM who is identified via SO/GI data collection. (TIER 2)
If the patient has a previous positive test for an STI within the past 6 month of the current appointment and/or a PrEP prescription within 12 months of the current appointment, then they should be tested today, and in the next 3 months. (TIER 3)
Upon receiving this 3 months f/u test, they will be kept on this schedule only if they have those conditions met again, otherwise they will go to another tier (likely the annual one).
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