2021-01-29 HIV ePrompt CDS Launch Call Meeting notes

2021-01-29 HIV ePrompt CDS Launch Call Meeting notes



  1. Agenda Review,  
  2. Welcome - overview of HIV and HIT/Our Project 
  3. Introductions 
    1. NACHC 
    2. CDC 
    3. Partners 
  4. Administrative housekeeping 
  5. HIV Clinical Guidelines - CDC 
  6. Project Data Deliverables 
  7. CDS Implementation 
  8. Confluence Orientation 
  9. Discussion and Next Steps 


  1. Data Dictionary
  2. Session Slides
  3. Maria Michael's slides
  4. Bryn Rhodes' slides


NACHC Informatics TeamCDC TeamAlliance ChicagoEl RioFenway HealthMontefioreOhio

Priya Jakhmola, DHAP Guideline Team

Maria Michaels

Aileen Ya-lin Huang

Weiming Zhu

Jeffery  Wiener

 Kevin Delaney

Karen Hoover

Erin Dougherty

Sudha Nagalinga

Tara Radke

Ana Karcher

Danielle Funk

Viraj Patel

Uriel Felsen

Sharin Rikin

Lindsay Weaver

Ashley Ballard

Tiffany White

Dana Vallangeon

Corinne Fournier



Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items

Agenda Review

Welcome - overview of HIV and HIT/Our Project 


    1. NACHC 

    1. CDC 

    1. Partners 

Administrative housekeeping 

HIV Clinical Guidelines - CDC 

Julia Skapik (Deactivated) Recent research shows only approximately 5% of CDS alerts actually are used by clinicians

Viraj Patel: Can you share any citations that describe the CDS studied (in Priya's talk?)

Project Data Deliverables 

CDS Implementation 

Priya - How do we make the pilots uniform?

Sy: For the data extract patient characteristics section, there are several characteristics that may be different in the present than they were in 2018-2019 (age, IDU, housing status, etc) Should we use the present status or status in 2018/2019?

Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated) we were thinking of using the most recent data 

Confluence Orientation 

February 23, 2021 from 4pm and 4:30pm - we will send an invitation.

  1. Discussion and Next Steps 

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