2020-12-17 HIV CDS ePrompt Pre-LaunchMeeting notes

2020-12-17 HIV CDS ePrompt Pre-LaunchMeeting notes





Pedro talk about project

HIT support tool

Russell - contracts and next steps



NACHC Informatics Team

Tara Radke

Uriel R. Felsen - Montefiore

Viraj Patel - Montefiore

Chris Grasso - Fenway

Ana Karchmer - Fenway?

Sudha Nagalingam

Ashley Ballard - Ohio

Lindsay Weaver

Aaron Pajares - Montefiore

Sudha Nagalingam - El Rio

Erin Doherty - Ohio

Tiffany White - Ohio

Sharon Rikin - Montefire

Dana Vallangeon - Ohio

Heidi Kurgat

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Intro to ProjectPedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)

Two main deliverables

  1. A series of monthly data extracts - we sent the data requirements and a template with the RFP so you'd know the data points that will be asked.
  2. Development of 2 CDS tools - that make sense for you - to identify patients for clinical guidelines that the CDC put forward for testing - everyone, and then every 3 months.  We will develop the tools, you do the implementation.

Project Tech Overview

CDS could mean something changing color or automatically ordering a test.

MeetingsPedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)
  • Monthly 1:1 Coaching
  • Quarterly All Partner Meetings
  • Harvest Meeting

AdminRussell Brown (Deactivated)
  • We will be creating a Scope of Work - we are closed  to  
  • Will send SOW and budget that you handed in
  • Once we get your SOW and budget, we package everything and send it as a contract, takes 2 weeks for package to get through the process.  Will be sent via Adobe sign to the main POC in your application.  
  • Contract is executed and work begins

Current thinking about - challenges, frustration, missed opportunitiesJulia Skapik (Deactivated)
  1. El Rio
    1. They have implemented a rapid start for newly diagnosed.  The EMR is NextGen, but will be switched to Epic.  New diagnoses are not tracked in the EMR, done manually in spreadsheet.
  2. Fenway
    1. Lack of consistency and standardization of data
  3. Montefiore
    1. Use Epic, best practice alert for HIV testing. If someone has not had a test in one year, there is an alert.  There is a plethora of alerts, is broad and generic. Not sure how much it is used.
    2. Diverse patient and provider population, working across several centers.  HIV falls to the pull of multiple conditions.
  4. Ohio
    1. Challenge: Improving linkage to care metric 
    2. Identifying who needs screening based on risk, intervals

Food for thought: what are the other components of your work that align with the HIV work?Julia Skapik (Deactivated)
  • Billing?
  • Program reporting requirements?
  • What happens about the HIV test -  next steps and roles for who does what next.
  • What is actionable? Not just to hand back to NACHC and CDC - ask providers, MA, care counselors: What is missing that would make your life much better? What are your pain points (having to enter data into another system, having to fill out a form?)

Next StepsPedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)

Partners will send Doodle poll for launch meeting towards end of January

Will send the SOW draft by  

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