2021-10-20 Informatics Meeting notes
Topics | Discussion | Action Items |
| Continue with data dictionary from last year, pulling the same information:
Dream: interoperability–close the gaps (networks). Connection with HIE, IIS, PCA? Health center with local partners (proof of concept) Networks: Interoperability CHCs: QI project surrounding vaccine hesitancy -->New work: tracking members of the household around their vaccine status Informed by PPRL work (linkages) |
| Source for assessments for SDOH and social services - Gravity Contracting and management with the sites will be done by HealthCare for the Homeless, not NACHC. Use personas from Louisiana and others in Confluence C19 site Focus will be on COVID and Flu | Look into Epi Info from CDC to see if it could dinclude the data we want from eCare Plan?
| $450K left in CODI. CDC is looking at what they want to do with it. Informatics team and Julia is the lead. John and Morgan have been doing test runs of household linkage and PPRL tool. John will summarize what he is doing, and what is needed and communicate that to Julia | CODI meeting 9:30 Thurs - Julia, John, Morgan, Ray. |
- Informatics questions/other (Pedro, Ray, Andrea, Efe-30 min)
- Internal team meeting meeting structure
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