Meeting with Comms Team

Meeting with Comms Team

  • LinkedIn Ambassadors
    • Many health center leaders and staff use LinkedIn to network (not just for jobs)
    • Reposting and adding content/context is the ask
    • Advice about what content to post
    • Increase our presence using name recognition 
  • Instagram/Facebook
    • Behind the scenes, cheerleading for health centers
  • Twitter
    • Use more hashtags
      • Consider hosting "Twitter Spaces" live conversation
      • Consider hosting a "Why Working at a FQHC is Rewarding" Twitter Chat
        • Value-add to recruitment to FQHC world
        • Highlight frontline staff
          • Leverage existing NACHC products (e.g. Year of the Nurse)

What is the goal with expanding reach??

  1. For clinical:  reach to ALL health center staff
  2. Showing our value to members and POTENTIAL members

Next steps:

  1.  Collect Clinical Practice Committee social media contacts
  2.  Comm team provides step-by-step posting instructions for various SM channels: Twitter, LInkedIN, Instagram, Facebook
  3. Messaging surrounding  boosters
    • Keep to non-clinical information.  Communication tools vs. clinical tools (disclaimer)
    • Ellen to update and will send back to this group for one more review
  • How we can help
  • Creative/comm needs across your contracts/wish list

Dear Confluence Users, If you need support for use of Atlassian tools, please contact informatics@nachc.com whether you have technical issues, need feature assistance, or simply have questions.