Collab Ventures Network C19 Partner Final Report

Collab Ventures Network C19 Partner Final Report


Building Capacity of Community Health Centers to Respond to COVID‐19  

Final Project Report Year 01 


June 15, 2021


Instructions for Partners 

  • Due Date: Upload to your Confluence main page by COB Eastern Time on TuesdayJune 15, 2021.  
  • Write a summary of your work on this project using the sections below as a guide.  (SOW Deliverables 1&5) 
  • The length should be between 2 and 5 pages.  
  • Option:  Supplement your summary with items such as updated personas, workflows, staffing models, policies and procedures, assessments, data points, etc. These may be included in an appendix. 


  1. Background  
  1. Team Goal:   

What did your team hope to achieve on this project?  

Did you reach your goal? If so, how and if not, what kept you from doing so? 

1.Project Importance:  

What is happening in your environment that makes this project important and timely?  

What unexpected benefits or insights were gained from the project?  


2.Participating Health Center(s):   

Briefly describe the community health center (CHC) or centers that were involved in this project.  How and/or why were these CHCs selected?  What engagement strategies did you use? 


3.Implementation Plan  

Please summarize the following topics from your implementation plan, using diagrams or charts as necessary in the Appendix.   

 3.a. Overarching implementation strategy/structure: If your team created an implementation guide or other documentation as part of this project you may include that in lieu of this component. 

How does this strategy/structure achieve your Project Aim? 

 3.b. Lead: 

Who took the lead roles for implementing the plan (e.g., convening the partners, monitoring progress, building consensus for course corrections)? Briefly describe their role and how they were successful.

3.c. Partners: 

Who are the key partners and team members in your implementation plan and what roles do they play (e.g., health center teams, health center champions, health center leadership, health center patients, faculty, national or state initiatives, other organizations)? How have they been engaged in this implementation plan? Were there any stakeholders who were not initially included who joined later? If so, why did they join mid-stream? 


What existing HCCN/PCA and health center activities and infrastructure contributed to your implementation plan and its execution? 


What staff and partner training was necessary? Do you anticipate some or all of the training you provided under this project to continue after this period of performance? Describe what components will remain and why others may not be continued. 


When did you launch or do you anticipate launching your implementation plan or intervention? 

4. Results 

4.a. Consider the Use Cases, Personas and Workflows you developed at the start of this project.  How has the patient experience changed, if it has? (SOW Tasks 2.2 and 2.3) 

4.b. How did this work address the Use Case? Is the Use Case still relevant today? 

4.c. How has the data workflow changed if it has?  If additional workflow documentation describing modifications were made to the existing health center or data processes is attached, provide a very brief narrative of the process to identify and implement the change. If workflows did not change, describe why improvements could not be implemented into the workflow at this time. 


4.d. Please provide, in the Appendix, updated Use Cases, Personas, and Workflows; in doing so, tell the story of how changes you made affected the personas and the workflows. 


4.e. What impacts did this work have that were positive, expected or unexpected? Do you expect these benefits to continue as long as the changes implemented remain in place? (SOW Task 4.2) 


4.f. What unintended consequences or unforeseen costs resulted from this work? Were you able to mitigate or overcome any of these? 


5. Lessons Learned 

Summarize the Lessons Learned from your Lessons Learned Confluence Page and highlight major challenges, insights and successes in this section. (Lessons Learned page on Confluence) 


5.a. In reflecting over the last several months of work on your implementation plan, what a-ha moments, inspirations, or pearls of wisdom come to mind? What worked well? What did not work so well? 


5.b. Knowing what you know now, if you were going to try to reach this same goal, what would you do differently? 


5.c. What materials did you develop, receive from NACHC, obtain from another source that were helpful?  What would be helpful in the future? 

6. Sustaining the Work 

What plans and/or recommendations do you have with regard to sustaining the work beyond this funding period? What role do you see for NACHC? What role do you see for the project funder? (SOW task 4.1) 

 7. Next Steps and Final Thoughts

7.a.How could NACHC have improved its support for your work under this project? (Be as constructive as you can).  

 7.b. What would your team do if you had more resources, time or freedom to extend the work you have done here? (SOW task 4.1) 

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