COVID-19 CDC Data Analyses
COVID-19 CDC Data Analyses
Denominator1: UDS patients or patients with a medic{al encounter in 2019 or beyond
Denominator2: Patients who received a COVID-19 related service (testing, vaccine, other screening for SDOH) without a medical visit or meeting UDS criteria
Planned Next Analytics:
1) Determine risk factors that predict COVID infection
- Look at proportion of patients with COVID diagnosis and see how many have also a positive test.
- Look at number of patients who had a positive test but no recorded COVID diagnosis.
- See how many encounters patients in the positive test-no diagnosis had in the dataset.
- Work with team to determine whether to include "positive test only" patients in the denominator or not based on amount of missing data for those patients.
- Perform logistic regression to look at risk for COVID diagnosis based on demographics: age, location, race/ethnicity, number of comorbidities,
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