Copy of How To Reset your Password

Copy of How To Reset your Password


There are a couple of reasons why you’d want to change your Confluence password:

  • You're logged in and want or need to change your password

  • You've forgotten your password and can't log in, and so need to reset your password


Note: If you have a managed account in Confluence, you'll need to either go to the system account settings or ask the Administrator to change your password.

To change your password while logged in:

  1. Tap your profile picture at the right of the navigation, then select Profile.

  2. Tap Manage your account, then choose Security from the left navigation.

  3. Enter your current password and your new password in the form displayed.

  4. Tap Save changes.

To reset your password from the login screen:

  1. Go to the login screen for your Confluence site.

  2. Choose Can't log in? at the bottom of the page.

  3. Enter your email address, then tap Send recovery link.

  4. Click the recovery link in the email to finish the process.

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