COVID-19 NACHC Newsletter

COVID-19 NACHC Newsletter




Discussion of data classes

  • High priority-- testing, diagnoses, SDOH, demographics, symptoms, encounters
  • Immunizations
  • Challenges: Exposures (essential workers, close contact), large number of high risk conditions, outcomes/hospitalization data

Link to C19-IA

Link to Logica FHIR IG

Mention of USCDI?


Initial data reporting

  • Describe prelim metrics and data challenges

Bullet Points:

  1. Preliminary metrics and data collected by NACHC's partners in COVID-19 to support a Health Center Data Registry supporting public health efforts to quell the effects of the pandemic through evidence and data-driven decision making. 
  2. NACHC's HCCN and PCA partners in the COVID-19 project have extracted and shared preliminary population-level data, and have identified various gaps and barriers hindering a comprehensive extraction of nuanced data elements relating to the pandemic.
  3. Personas and use cases have been created by partners, examining CHC patient needs, behaviors, experiences and goals in light of COVID.
  4. Each partner have begun mapping and quality improvement efforts related to both COVID-19 testing data and social determinants of health. These processes support the concept of reusability and automation of data extraction and analytics for a more proactive, rather than reactive approach to emerging health threats.
  5. Data dictionary has been updated to accommodate these data gaps, harmonize similar clinical concepts across the partners, and adding vaccination and telehealth data elements.
  6. Continuous improvement and iteration in anticipation of COVID-19 vaccines and an immunization registry representing the community health center population.
  7. Data challenges include the inconsistent / variable use of COVID-19 diagnosis codes due to differences in coding regulation, guidance, workflows and practice guidelines. 
  8. As the project moves closer in extracting patient-level data, NACHC will continue to work 1:1 with their partners to examine clinical outcomes and COVID-19 vaccination rates in the next data extraction phase.


Data validation and standardization

COVID-19 Vaccine data

  • IIS link
  • AMA link
  • table (vaccine data model or algorithm)


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