Asana Questions Forum
Q1. AP I enter the workplan in List view.
I’d like it to stay in order, but if I use Boards, the tasks move around on the list view. Is there a way for the list to be fixed, while the board moves around? Like saying you have a “view” for list so it always shows up that way, while board shows up according to where tasks are in the process?
Q2. AP Can we share tasks between teams - not the whole project?
example: PHIT has funding to do PPRL, but Informatics is actually doing the work on just that task of the project. Is there a way to have that task show up in Informatics' portfolio?
or PHIT is doing something on Risk Stratification, but Informatics is doing the work -
Q3. AP Can we get automate ticket numbers for each task? Can they be by project, like HIV03-152?
A3: Yes, but not within Asana. It requires an add-tool called Flowsana or Project Proc.
Q5. AP When I create a form and fill it out, the title of the resulting form is the form name; is there a way to allow me to name it during creation?
A5: Yes - Use a rule to replace the title with the project name.
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