2020-12-04 Meeting Minutes

2020-12-04 Meeting Minutes

List of Participants:

 Clinical Architecture

o   Cory

o   Sarah

o   Jill

o   Zach

o   Randy


o   Ray

o   John

o   Julia

Action Items:

  • CA to rethink Million Hearts model to align with NACHC goals.
  • NACHC to reach out to CDC contact re: IIS
  • NACHC to send over Telehealth info from NDS
  • Randy to send info for CDC contact re: Telehealth

Meeting Notes:

  • Million Hearts
    1. Sarah asked for Ray's input on the MH email that CA sent him.
      1. Ray reviewed the spreadsheet and looked at the issues with CCB, A fib, Perip Vas Dis, etc.
      2. Sarah talked about how CA had combined the BPAA and Statin sheets to do an analysis and see what was inconsistent and might not clinically fit.
      3. Sarah went over the items and Ray did confirm that they were not correct and did need to be fixed.

2. Sarah asked if we should not include ICD9 codes?

      1. ICD9 is not necessarily relevant and they feel it should not be included. Ray is going to double check on that.
      2. There was a discussion on what will be in the value sets, how they're used, and what the end goal is.
      3. Randy mentioned that he needs to think through the model to make sure it's aligned with NACHC's goals. If Julia said her approach is not possible with Symedical, she's open to other options.

  • IIS
    1. What's the best way to reference things in the value sets for flu vaccines?
    2. Highest priority is CPT and CVX.
      1. Julia said they're getting close to an answer on CPT licensing.
    3. Julia asked about what workflows different states are using.
      1. Randy said Chris from CA works with someone from that part of CDC so we can reach out.
        1. Jill said they did send the CDC email for reaching out to someone over there.
  • Telehealth Definitions
    1. Internally, CA looked at it. With the info that was sent over, it's hard to come up with a concrete solution. Once there is content for it, that can be worked out.
      1. Julia said we should get whatever data we can to use for those fields.
      2. Randy asked if there are certain requirements for code sets.
        1. Julia isn't sure but if there are guidelines/requirements, they certainly want to align with that. They can have Pedro send over info from NDS.
        2. Julia asked about being connected to the person at the CDC that Randy had mentioned he was in a meeting with.
          1. Randy said he would send over that info.
        3. Randy said if we had the local terminology, it would not be hard to build out these things in Symedical. It could be done relatively quickly.

  • C-19 IA
    1. Trying to understand concepts in C19IA material. Does confirmed limit to lab validations or also clinically validated cases? They want to capture people they think might have COVID vs the people who have been diagnosed vs clinically diagnosed.
      1. Carol asked exactly why they want those things to be separated out.
        1. Julia said the answer is yes, they want to measure COVID-19 outcomes. They want to differentiate between different patient scenarios.
        2. Carol said CA will look into it and get back with NACHC on the answer.

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