2021-03-24 Meeting notes

2021-03-24 Meeting notes




Discussion items


James Lavery


AA, Native Americans, Latinx pops

Public health messaging.  Gain an understanding of dynamics, characteristics of hesitancy.  Look at personas, types, what are targets for public health messages? 

Questions:  What are some messages?  Who are trusted sources for delivery?


James Lavery

Lee Wilkers

Human Engagement Learning platform at Emory

"Broker Design"

Rollins SPH, lead in Broker Design

Michelle Grek

Rollins SPH, community engagement ethics i.e. optimizing uptake of mass drug admin)

Breanna WodnikInterconnection b/w org learning, to bring community stakeholder to life to scale (mass drug admin)

Sarah PriceCommunity health nurse, working on Adult Immunizations, Ped. Obesity, Tobacco Cessation

Kathy McNamaraWorked at NACHC since 1991, overseas, Alaska

Del GarciaWorked for MCN for 31 years, mostly on emerging projects
Broker DesignLeeBroker Design—flipping the typical observation and change.  Instead..."if you were in charge of this...how would YOU go about it??"  In this example, what are the factors surrounding COVID-19 vaccine would you change to increase uptake.  

Look at rates of adult immunization throughout the world.  No need, vaccinated as a kid/no need now, flu.  There is a gap between the preventive work done with children into adulthood.  

Where do we start?? 

Mexico/Texas: 400 men in consulate...why/why not immunize?  

  • Problem is access and cost.  For kids, it's all free, but there are barriers for adult vaccines.  

Puerto Rico:

  • Grandparents were more likely to accept vaccines. 
  • However, would not get the flu vaccine, but would get others.  

Trusted brokers–to what degree is this important?


HPV:  When the approach was re: STD, uptake was low.  When age was raised to 45, HPV more accepted.  "Family" shot

How much is filling knowledge gaps vs. endorsement.

The entire way in which we have discussed prevention (mostly in US)---

  • Lack of body knowledge
  • Trusted broker didn't share complete or accurate information or was misleading
  • Vaccines are generally perceived as a "treatment", not prevention

Key step:   Look across life cycle and see what it takes for each age group.  More target, more fine, more parceled.  

I.e. 25 year old:  Persona is a construction worker, who is in a family with a baby—TdaP, Hep A/B, Flu, etc..

Grandparents—kids are vaccinated, and you should get vaccinated so you don't get them SICK

Look where a person is at this moment in their life, highlight was is most important to them and what resonates most with them.  "LIFE CYCLE"

"What is going to kill them or hurt them in the next 5 years".

Yo Me La Puse

Showed video: 

Start with doctor

Across ages–shows that everyone should have it

People "like it"–because of:  1) multigenerational 2) simple 3) short

Intergenerational—longitudinal, relational, cultural .  This is reducing the size of the herd.  Need to move from "i'm doing this for myself" to "we are all in this together".  

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