2021-06-09 Meeting notes

2021-06-09 Meeting notes




Kathy McNamara

Sarah Price

Del Garcia


Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Data team discussionJulia and Del

Del and Julia to meet up re:

  1.  Data tracking for vaccination of post-detention persons and pregnant women
  • Del and Julia to meet

PR Update

USVI Update

  1. AmeriCares is focusing on CLINICIANS hesitancy.  But in USVI, they have no connections and have asked Del to do introductions.   Kathy suggests we PARTNER with them...we create the strike teams and THEY train the providers.    Base approach on the Surgo work.  Del to do one patient listening session and one staff session.  Del to connect with Masserae (USVI) (3rd try).  
  2. Owner of Care Messaging (CareLight) wants to give it free to health centers, re: COVID 19.  
  3. PR:  One strike team alraedy up and running.  One is pending, based on hiring.  They are going out and mapping who is a current CHC patient or not, and they have done one round of COVID vaccine and also included other vaccines (and somtimes not COVID)
  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

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