MCN 2021-02-24 Meeting notes

MCN 2021-02-24 Meeting notes



NACHC Informatics Team

Kathy McNamara

Sarah Price

Del Garcia


Discussion items

ItemNotesAction Items
One-page infographic

OK to share

Need funding for printing

  • NACHC will give $600 for printing (2000)
Comic BookBuilding from the one-page infographic–almost done
  • Del will share when done

"I got the shot" video testimonial

  • Del with share
  • Sarah/Kathy will share with Ellen for ideas on sharing

Dr. Dominguez

  • Data from 2019-2020
  • Those who received Tamiflu in ER–did they get flu shot this year?
  • Also ask if they got offered the COVID vaccine, would they take it?

COVID -19Tracking patients who got 1 vaccine and where did they get the 2nd one?

New project

Nurses in Puerto Rico–they are the glue

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