2021-05-14 NACHC + Americares +MCN

2021-05-14 NACHC + Americares +MCN



NACHC TeamAmericares

Del Garcia

Sarah Price

Kathy McNamara

Edith Lee
Tija Danzig 
Brenda Rivera-García, DVM, MPH 
Eric Jovan Pérez López, MPH 


Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items
Overview of workAmericares

Solely focused on free/charitable clinics (not FQHCs) in US promoting healthcare personnel vaccine confidence 

PR/USVI healthcare personnel vaccine hesitancy in FQHCs


Supporting PR PCA with T/TA and working to expand so that others can get information

FQHCs (4)

      • Identified who is serving the MOST underserved, high risk for climate effects, etc... or where there were established relationships and were ready to partner
      • 3 are undergoing coaching/ECHO
      • Bi-directional feedback on materials from health communications specialists (one was working in DOH as a health comms deployed).
      • Library developed and is in review
      • RFP in process for implementation


Issues with getting responses.  Now connected with Public Health, but no work yet.  


USVI:  25% uptake rate in health care workers

Focus on "Strike Teams"



NACHC can share practices/surveys

  • Del, Brenda and Eric  should align on messaging
  • Del can share magazine, survey results and data. 

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