2021-07-08 Meeting notes

2021-07-08 Meeting notes








Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items

Performance Reporting

NACHC will do a hybrid model, 

Reporting will include all the PM from the CSTLTS workplan.  Will include a monthly update of all projects , as all projects are linked and reinforcing.  

CDC: Could include a verbal report

Kathy:  Coordinate with NACCHO to ensure there is no competition in the field


  1. Verbal through biweekly meetings with Megan. 
  2. Verbal or template that pulls out ONLY the items that pertain to NACHC (not the national education plan...)
  3. Only have to report to Megan twice a year for this project
  • NACHC will send some of the reporting we are able/willing to do that makes sense.
  • CDC to respond
Selecting Community Health Centers
Still in design process; discovering what the current state is.  Design first, CHC later.  


Build a Confluence page

Learning COmmunity

CDC will be hosting (with Urban Health and CDC Foundation) beginning in July).  We can see this as a support system, and not as a mandatory activity.  

Launch July 14th

Hub August 9th

  • Sarah Price will attend as able.  CHCs may NOT be able to attend, but Sarah can keep in the loop

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