March 15th Legacy Team Call

March 15th Legacy Team Call

Health Center


Action Items

Health Center


Action Items

El Rio

Program update:

22 kids

3 peds doing jumpstart

  • carefully choose your provider champions - needed support on their own

  • report back to pediatricians reporting

  • pulling from EHR get organized in order to justify program

  • peds are desperate from program - not a hard sell just need to show impact through numbers/reporting

  • already had fitness staff, wellness staff and dietitian, infrastructure already set up and sustainable

  • importance of trauma informed training

  • separate old and young kids in different cohorts

  • time consuming - numerous touch points, one on ones etc

  • wish for follow up/reunion - track progress, where are they now

  • COVID limitations

  • Spanish to English translation - language and custom awareness (importance of knowing your areas culture and amount of time it takes to prepare, find the right staff etc)

  • Parent guilt over child high BMI

  • More information on the emotional labor of the program and the SDOH implications that are brought into the program

Letter from NACHC for Colorado
How to structure into implementation guide resources


What do you wish you had known

  • more prep time

  • more help than you think (especially in the beginning)

  • start with smaller cohort (although over recruiting)

  • don't be disappointed with a small cohort (most rewarding and teach them the most)

  • don't need as much stuff as you think (mend recommends a lot) can still achieve a lot with very little

  • how difficult to engage families (especially parents)

  • keep providers engaged for referrals and them seeing the benefit of the program (if not direct benefit to them they struggle to see the overall benefits)

  • educational program not a fat camp/immediate weight loss

  • parents and kids self focused - defensive at times - sensitive on how to introduce information - take provider hat off and put on human to human hat to not be off putting

  • importance of admin buy in (no upfront benefits - need to convince them)

  • Teach basics on making nutrition choices (labels, buying the right foods etc.) - no magical solution - manage expectations

  • our Hispanic population are usually new to the US and come here for farm work or factory work. - People should not assume that just because speaks Spanish (o any language) it doesn't mean that they can read that language. - Some of our Hispanic patients are actually Natives and Spanish is their second language


  • provider pushback - what's the point for labs on kids if no meds - close minded (older providers)

  • need time to implement - engage organization early in order to ensure buy in

Denver Health

  • Implement innovation sooner

  • providers overwhelmed - referrals (limited bandwidth) not turn over to other provider









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