November 16th Legacy Team Call - YR 5 Goals

November 16th Legacy Team Call - YR 5 Goals

Health Center

Implementation updates/goals


Action Items

Health Center

Implementation updates/goals


Action Items

El Rio

On their way - planning for year 5 - January Start - Jayelle (facilitator and implementation) organizing for next cohort - getting a lot of referrals from providers - more recognition

starting in person programing and hybrid based on lessons learned from the pandemic

Powerful familias - MEND innovation

Currently in week 10 of current cohort, planning for winter - hybrid English program and in collaboration with YMCA of Tucson - recruiting from Y participants from that location and provider referrals

Gloria and Kyskie did Denver MEND training together

Learned what works and what doesn’t work and innovate along the way

  • challenge - ongoing MEND training

Q:How many are finishing in your Fall cohort, Maggy?

A: 12 have been pretty consistent but it might be 9 by the last class


Sharing on orgs that are collaborators - how that works or does not work


Value and burden of Testimonials?

MS - Survey about experience - pictures already collected (action photos) - which cohort - any works! Boys and girls club concert and thank you cards (video/pictures of cards)

Photo submission (self selected)

El Rio - annual report - quotes and pictures with kids doing activities - verbal feedback report - already have photo releases

Put it all together and release it to the legacy teams for them to have as well


Jessica to follow up before next call re testimonial needs


  • Jessica to confirm dates

  • Jessica to collect further details/materials re: the testimonials before the next call


3 participating orgs - heal ms, charmicheal - formative stages - 3rd org dropped - Sonja now pursing a new partner - a church

Heal MS - sustainable programing, community partnership, childhood development - combine mend program to create sustainability - Diabetes month

Charmicheal - boys and girls club - engagement - intervention and exercise component - in person to get as many lessons in as possible - zoom to

Spring - as much as traditional program as possible (no hybrid) new peds doc sending referrals

Construction over - using lobby space for exercise or church spaces

on track to complete 2 full cohorts

Q: Zoom/hybrid engagement? How to maintain it and how to develop it (details of how to balance the two)


Innovatively deliver program - lessons learned


Sustainability - is some successfully billing without being overly creative - billing and coding person?


Medicaid/private insurance codes and best practices - how to include parents/other family members


Receptive to in person meet up ( and Borinquen + el rio) training/guide/toolkit is important - February - April, potentially in Colorado (Tuscon, AZ in feb or march, April + May Colorado) - brainstorm for each section - March/April would be better - locking it in ASAP - potential dates



4th cohort of 2022 - finish on Dec 10th for that group - give out prizes and in person

Restart 1st week of feb

Peds doc broke her elbow - cancel exercise wellness portion - health coach retired - lost all support for that section - parents still engaged - peds doc will attend final session

found nurse to fill position open for 2 years! Lessen the load/stress

Before last celebration - summary of cohorts progress/outcomes and then choose new cohort date









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