872-02 HIV Workplan Worksheet

872-02 HIV Workplan Worksheet



Process Measures


Outcome Measures

Budget Period Outcomes

A1 Gather requirements, design, develop, and implement CDS tools

PM1 Organizations participate in human-centered tool design process

OP1  Summary of current challenges and opportunities for improvement of HIV testing in primary care settings.

OP2 Workflows that describe the clinical and data process.

OP3 Sample patients or personas that would be affected by the implementation of CDS.

OP4 Protocol for 2 CDS tools a. for opt-out testing and b. risk-based testing with HIV prevention follow up as appropriate

OM1 CDS implementation experience and testing.

BPO1. Implementation, testing and production of CDS tools to improve the provision of HIV prevention services

A2 Provide monthly data extracts of measures using data dictionary, including data to extend or adjust previous data pulls.


Organizations provide monthly data to NACHC registry, who in turn performs HIV testing and risk analytics and dashboards.

OP5 Data dictionary of data elements and values collected from partners

OP6 Analysis of partner data extracts

OM2 Data extract files provided to NACHC with calculated HIV testing and prevention and follow up measures.

BPO2 Data used in assessing efficacy of CDS tools

A3 Ensure effective engagement and continuous improvement through attendance at quarterly all partners meetings and monthly technical assistance meetings/office hours.

PM3 Quarterly attendance of programmatic check-in calls. Partner organizations will attend at least 3 virtual group or one-one meetings for technical assistance, check-in or sharing of lessons learned

OP7 Ongoing discussion of CDS implementation at meetings

OM3 Meeting Minutes

BPO3 Upgraded clinical workflows that increase provision of HIV testing and HIV prevention services, and upgraded clinical documentation of HIV-related data and relevant information

A4 Pilot the implementation of HIV screening, testing and prevention CDS tools.

PM4 Coordination and information regarding implementation of proposed CDS tools

OP5 Documentation of lessons learned by networks and community health centers in implementing CDS tools.

OP7 Implementation Guide for HIV CDS tools prepared for ballot

OM4 HIV Testing CDS tool prototype

BPO4  Results from pilot CDS implementation

  • Break deliverables into
    • Epics (6-8 weeks work package; 3-4 sprints) 
      • Stories (Stories = sprints 1 team; 2 weeks or less)

What are the steps?

Who will do each step?

How long will each step take?

OP1  Summary of current challenges and opportunities for improvement of HIV testing in primary care settings  Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated) Julia Skapik (Deactivated) Former user (Deleted)

Who does what and when?

  • Requirements by (whom) by (when)
  • Design by (whom) by (when)
  • Develop by (whom) by (when)
  • Implement CDS tools by (whom) by (when)

OP2 Workflows that describe the clinical and data process.

OP3 Sample patients or personas that would be affected by the implementation of CDS.

OP4 Protocol for 2 CDS tools a. for opt-out testing and b. risk-based testing with HIV prevention follow up as appropriate Julia Skapik (Deactivated)

  • Who does what and by when?

OP5 Data dictionary of data elements and values collected from partners Raymonde Uy (Unlicensed)

  • Who does what and by when?

OP6 Analysis of partner data extracts Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)

  • Who does what and by when?

OP7 Ongoing discussion of CDS implementation at meetings

  • Who does what and by when?

OP5 (should be 8) Documentation of lessons learned by networks and community health centers in implementing CDS tools.

  • Who does what and by when?

OP7 (should be 9) Implementation Guide for HIV CDS tools prepared for ballot 

  • Who does what and by when?

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