2021-10-11 Advisory Group on Pharmacy Policy and Operations

2021-10-11 Advisory Group on Pharmacy Policy and Operations



  1. Welcome
  2. NACHC Governance Structure
  3. Questions and Answers for Jacki
  4. Policy Updates
  5. Review of Minutes
  6. Priorities Discussion
  7. Closing



  • Kemi Alli
  • Anthony Armstrong
  • Mary Blankson
  • Anthony Fortenberry
  • Jennifer Kreidler-Moss, Chair
  • Marisa Rowen
  • Nicole Thibeau
  • Vicki Young

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items
5 min


Jennifer Kreidler-Moss 

10 min

NACHC Governance Structure

Jacki Leifer, NACHC's General Counsel.

Role within the Committee Structure of NACHC; The Committees are committees of the Board, this group makes recommendations to the Board.

There is a duty to:

  • Keep mission in mind (see Mission Statement), and the recently approved strategic goals of NACHC.
  • Maintain confidentiality of NACHC information until and unless the NACHC Board decides to share info

No-one should speak for the Board, Committee or Subcommittee without authority to do so.  The group makes recommendations as a group, not individuals.  Do not speak for NACHC without authority to do so.

5 min

Questions and Answers for Jacki

Jennifer Kreidler-Moss Q: Jacki, what are your thought about 340B?  Vacheria will be speaking on that.

10 min

Policy Updates

Vacheria Tutson

Opening up the statute via the "Protect the 340B Act."  On Friday  

  • NACHC's petition to the ADR process was deferred.  Sanofi protested.
  • Caldera (question) sued HRSA.
  • There are many nuances, given the variety of Medicare expansion (or not) in states, contract pharmacies role, carve ins for 340B and carve outs for pharmacy services.

Think through all the elements in the threats to 340B.  Attacks have escalated.

Opening the statute is not he sole answer.  Pharma manufacturers are poking holes in HRSA's authority. HRSA is trying to protect the programs.

A Armstrong - Each fall there is a new issue, and so many nuances that affect.

V Young - Are there alternatives/workarounds to opening up the 340B statute? Yes, NACHC provided a proposal but (  ) said no, we cannot fix the Medicaid coverage gap with this.  The goal is not to fix Medicaid, but to expand Medicaid to the 12 states that do not have it, TX, FL, GA.  This would keep the status quo and expand the existing flawed system to additional states.

Congressional members are avoiding making decisions because of risk.

Pharma's strategy is to sue and keep things tied up.

Best to craft a proactive strategy that has the viability and savings that CHCs need, not to respond to every change that is proposed.

N Thibeau - Difficult to help patients when things are changing and the impacts seriously affect service (having to lay off employees when even COVID caused so much stress on the system, but this is causing greater effect.  Gilead change.

K Alli - Is there a way to create new legislation to solve some of the dilemmas without touching the existing legislation, that layers on top to fix the problems. Can we create the program that we want?

G Williams - This would give us the opportunity to design the system we want.

J Kreidler-Moss - Align with allies in the field.  Maybe we need to talk about the unpopular option of NOT basing financial models on 340B. 

5 min

Review of Minutes

Jennifer Kreidler-Moss Approved.

15 min

Priorities Discussion

Jennifer Kreidler-Moss 

1 minClosingJennifer Kreidler-Moss 

Next meeting is November 8th from 12 noon to 1:00 pm ET

Scheduling Note: Jennifer Kreidler-Moss' birthday - Vacheria is getting married on the 6th and will be on honeymoon on the 8th.

Action Items from September Meeting
  1. Anthony Armstrong to share data
  2. Kathy will compile and list of participants/bios and share Done
  3. Kathy will compile draft Minutes Done
  4. Vacheria will share latest Medicare Bill for comment  TBD
  5. Andrea will establish a site on Confluence.  Done.

If anyone sees errors or updates needed in the Bios, please notify Andrea aprice@nachc.org

Anthony Armstrong

CHC engaged a team to develop a (  ) and testing it since April to manage the program.

V Tutson - Might be helpful to tell the story, not only say there were savings and here is the number.  

G Williams - How intensive was it to provide data to the third party to create these visualizations? Not labor intensive on staff.

If we share data, can it somehow be used against CHCs?

N Thibeau - Can she share with her policy team the things that we talk about it our meeting.  

J Leifer - There was nothing that was discussed in this conversation that could not be shared.  V Tutson agreed.

  1. Decision Tweak or Reinvent?
  2. We need new models that offer stability, we need to tell that story with data, and we need to do this without burdening CHC staff.
    1. We need to pull apart models - beyond 340B - to build models for CHCs.
    2. No CHC should have to build its own systems, let's share systems and ideas like Anthony's to tell the data story.

A Armstrong: Also important to also include data needs, differences, availability for in-house pharmacies vs contract pharmacy. I personally only have contract pharmacy experience

V Tutson - Explore ways in targeted conversations later in this group for how we can use data 

K Alli - Next conversation; how do we share (data) on what we do with the 340B savings.

  • Anthony will continue to converse with the third party that created the data.

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