2021-01-12 Alaska PCA Meeting notes

2021-01-12 Alaska PCA Meeting notes



  1. Adult Immunization Project            
    • Alaska PCA Update (5 min)
    • NACHC – Review of data issues and needs (5 min)
    • Discussion (10 min)
    • Deadlines and Due Dates


Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Adult Immunization Project

Alaska PCA Update

  1. Contract was received.
  2. Persona - can be the same one, or a new one for AIM.  Has not yet been sent to NACHC.

Data Status and Discussion

Deadlines and Due Dates

COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Usage and Access questions pending:  https://nachc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3UHdT9r3n9wHAUd

15% of CHC populations received flu vaccine in 2019.

Alaska PCA to fill one out per health center (if able) for CURRENT year

Flu data pull

COVID 19 Vaccines
  1. Indian Health Service (IHS) beneficiaries are getting immunized through their IHS centers, not through CHCs
    1. Age 50+ using IHS vaccine allocations.
    2. Have done care providers
    3. Anchorage 65+  they vaccinated 800 ppl on  
  2. Non-IHS Clinics
    1. Bethel Family Clinic, non-tribal, did immunizations.
    2. Not all non-tribal got vaccines to give out.
    3. Clinic where Former user (Deleted) went had no vaccines.
    4. Others may be doing 400 or so.
  3. IIS System Partner VacTrAK

Flu vaccines
  1. How many CHCs signed up for the Flu Vaccine project?
    1. Two
      1. Bethel Family Clinic
      2. Sunshine Community Health Center
        1. DUA Signed

b. These need to have Data Use Agreements (DUA)

2.  Free flu vaccines:  Judy and Patty reaching out to state immunization manager to facilitate distribution of free flu doses (at least 15,000 available as of Jan1).  

  • Sarah Price can ask Claire Hannan of Immunization Managers about Alaska barriers and opportunities

Ask me Anything series is being extended 3 more sessions
  1. Notice went out today; please share with all noon eastern time for the next 3 Fridays
  2. Holyoke, MA will be presenting on  

Next All Partner Meeting is in March

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