2020-12-08 Alaska TA Call Meeting notes

2020-12-08 Alaska TA Call Meeting notes



  • Data QI
  • Data Integration Efforts


Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items


Admin Contract

Work has started, what is the status of the contract?  CDC has to review because contract assumes previous year Carryover - we need something in writing from CDC to allow us to use Carryover with this year's funding.  

It will be backdated to  

Former user (Deleted)  is the team point person on vaccines

  • 1st Deliverable - flu vaccine data pull by  
  • Survey on the use of IIS in Alaska
  •  Sarah Price  Will get a status update on the C19  Alaska contract for AIM.

All Partner Call  

Will discuss flu vaccine and COVID.  13 partners.

Topic: Training on using MI for vaccine hesitancy - an LCSW and a NP developed the course/presentation/workshop with practice.

(info) Importance of establishing MI as a culture w/in the organization.

COVID Jan - Mar

Ask Me Anything
Thanks for the participation!!! Every Friday 12pm Eastern.

  • Flu—free doses/microplanning

Demand - hesitancy. What is the experience? 

  • COVId-19--microplanning



Review C19 SOW

5mReview C19 Data Status

15mFollow up on Azara Call

Greg will contact the Alaska team - they will meet. Just for APCA not with LA.

Suspected cases - Azara says they currently are not able to track those. Lari found that some came in, vs confirmed. They were not classified that way. The senior team lead is saying it could be developed.  There is an ICD code for "suspected."

  • Data Integrity
All set.

  • Data Integration Efforts

5mDiscuss Patient Level Data & Aggregation

Patient level data will be de-identified, but AK is small enough, that you also have to de-identify the health center. If you know the HC and the community, you can figure out the patient.

Question: Can AK deidentify the patient, the community and the health Center?

Answer: Yes says Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated) as long as APCA knows which is which.

Deadline for C19 Data Extract

Big data extract is due  

We are flexible if you let us know and need time - let us know what you need.  

How does what you learn now make it easier for you later - write down observations about the process!

Next Meeting 


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