2020-12-08 Meeting notes

2020-12-08 Meeting notes



NACHC Informatics TeamAllianceChicago

Karen Iversen

Jin Nam


  • Administrative updates
  • Overview of All Partners Call
  • Pneumo Data 

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Administrative Updates
SOW/Budget in NACHC Finance.  
  • Sarah to follow up on status 

Overview of All Partners Call

Sarah shared the overview of agenda and requested feedback.  Karen/Jin shared that explaining the Flu Data pull is key.  

Karen/Jin shared that the HCN/Alliance Chicago are meeting together regularly and are going to be focusing on Vaccine Hesitancy (there is currently NIH Focus Groups going on) through Jan/Feb.  Sarah requested that AC and HCN share some of those findings.  

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Pneumo Data

Several of the Dx fields need editing.  Purpose is to run data for both baseline data and then possible outreach. 

  • Karen to clean up spreadsheet and resubmit to NACHC
  • NACHC Informatics team to replicate this for use with other partners once complete where applicable 

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