2020-11-09 Meeting notes

2020-11-09 Meeting notes




Sarah Price

Kathy McNamara

Amy Parker Fiebelkorn

Joanna Hill


  1. Review of Final Summary Report
  2. Year Three
    1. Administrative
    2. Partners
    3. Scope of Work
    4. Data Plan (in progress)
  3. Capturing the Process
    1. Confluence platform (replacing Health Care Communities)
    2. Vignettes
    3. Case Studies
    4. Newsletters
  4. Opportunities to Share and Spread
    1. October 15th Webinar with nursing leaders + blog post
    2. Holyoke at FOM/IT Conference
    3. PCA/HCCN Conference
  5. Joint work with AIM for Flu Vaccine distribution and COVID-19 Microplanning

Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items
Meeting PlatformJoanna/SarahChange from phone to Teams
  • Joanna to update invite to Teams
Final ReportSarah

Add in qualifier re: data from certain health centers, not all

Make map


    • Map
    • Disclaimer
Coordinating Flu and COVIDKathy

HHS/Warp Speed + AIM +NACHC

NACHC meets with Warp Speed 2x week, Suma once per week (11/10)

AIM: met with Clare + team 

  • Webinar
  • Letter
  • Convene calls with AIMs and NACHC
  • Focus on playbook/plans

COVID-19 Vaccine Provider form


  • Sarah presenting at NACHC conference with Marisa

How else can we share?

  • NAIIS Calls
  • Ask Me Anything:  Claire participating

Create a feedback loop

  • Use the Learning Community as a feedback loop on information sharing, logistics

  • Sarah/Kathy to send notes from AIM call

  • Sarah/Kathy figuring out if health centers know about this form

  • Send slides to Amy, since she is presenting on the 17th 
Learning CommunitySarah

Monthly 1:1 calls -->"Data Intervention" calls--Sarah/Pedro

Quarterly All-Partner calls (include health centers)

Monthly data submission

Harvest Meeting will be presentation to CDC at the end of the year

  • Sarah to send calendar to Amy/Joanna once completed
  • Will use data template
ConfluenceSarahMoving from HCC
  • Sarah to send Confluence page when ready
Sharing the StorySarah


Case Studies

C Suites


MMWR (on hold now)

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