Recruitment Tracker

Recruitment Tracker

PCA Contacted


Assist w/ID of FQHCs and announce MM to membership

Declined to Participate: SC PCA

Health Center Leadership contacted

States:  GA, IL, NY, PA, OH, MO, CA, SC, MI, MD, FL, OR, TX


Declined to Participate: Cherokee, PCC Wellness

Health Ctr Leader Agreed to participate

States:  GA, IL, NY, PA, OH, MO, CA, SC


Note: this number decreased as we are prioritizing and noting only those we have sent a

SOW and Budget to. We will continue to nudge those who have not yet committed. 

Facilitator OnboardingScheduled7Completed6
Staff Design Group #1Scheduled10Completed7
Staff Design Group #2Scheduled10Completed2
Patient Design Group #1Scheduled11Completed8
Patient Design Group #2Scheduled8Completed4
Total Completed DG
CityCountiesPotential Health CentersLeadStatus
Check with PCA and HCCN

AtlantaFultonAlbanySarah P

Staff Session #1: June 3rd, 4:30pm

Staff Session #2: pending

Patient Sessions: 6/18 and 7/2


Sarah P

Emailed Nate Pena @esperanza 6/4


Facilitator training 6/16 @10a.m.

staff  6/23 @ 8a.m. and July 21st

patients  July 1st @ 6p.m. and July 15th

LALACEisner HealthSarah

Sarah talking with Eisner on 7/12, sent SOW/Budget 7/15, forwarded to NACHC finance 8/4,

4 sessions

DONE 8/31

Ohio PCA

Heart of Ohio



Call with Teresa/Julie 5/20, they are recruiting CHCs now (rural and urban) Facilitator training scheduled 6/3/2021 for 9am HP of Ohio and 3:30-4:10 w/ Heart of Ohio (WM) 

Heart of Ohio SDG and PDG all scheduled. 

NYCQueens/BronxUrban Health Plan (Latinx)Kathy

Call on 5/20, will talk next with Paloma (CEO)

 6.24.2021 Wanda spoke with Rosa Acosta who will be facilitator for Urban – Tentative two sites w/ 2 groups each Spanish and English    – Tentative SDG 1: Jul 19 or 23

6/28 Sent SOW/Budget 

7/19, 7/26, 8/9 (CANCELLED)

In process with sessions
AtlantaDekalbFHC of GeorgiaWanda

Jan at GA PCA, 5/27 call, 4 health centers are interested.  Wanda will set up calls with all 4.  

Jan to e-introduce NACHC to: Family Health Centers, HEAL, Oakhurst and possibly Whitefoord  

5/27/2021 - Sarah/Wanda met w/Jan, she has identified four health centers, Jan emailed the CEOs so SP & WM can schedule recruitment call: (1) Whitefoord - AA, Latino and Asian pop  (2) Oakhurst w/ Native American; (3) HEAL w/ large AA pop AND (4) Family Health Center w/ large AA, Asian and Pacific Islanders.  One of these CHCs  provides screening/care for immigrant center (TBD)

6/1: Call with Mr Brooks from Family Health Center -YES 

6/2: YES, HEAL agreed to participate - Wanda)

FHC of Georgia:  SDG 6/24, PDG 6/29, 8/24 (CANCELLED)

In process with sessions





Hamilton Health



Call with Cheri Reinhardt, talked with health centers, and is looking at 4 potential

6.7.21  Four FQHCs, will reach out to:

Scranton Primary Hlth Care Ctr (Latinix)

 Hamilton Health -  Mixed Group

Spectrum Health - Immune Comprised - vaccine hesitant (scheduled for August)

6/29 Sent Spectrum SOW/Budget and talked over details

the CEO from Cornerstone Care on vacation 

7/9 SOW/Budget sent to Hamilton Health

Pending, scheduled
Rural CA
Harmony Health CenterCaryn/Sarah

Facilitator training 6/3 with Jazz (MA)

Sessions:  6/30 and 7/29, 7/9 and 7/14

In process with sessions
PhoenixMaricopaNative Health
Ellen reached out, on hold
New OrleansOrleansTeche ClinicKathyTo reach out to Gary Wilz
DetroitWayneCHASSSarah Emailed introduction email and conversation 7/12.
SeattleKingJennifer Kriedler Moss?
on hold

Kathy emailed and Sarah followed up 6/16
MemphisShelbyFebe Wallace (Cherokee)Wanda

Met w/ Febe 5.26.2021 - 

Update 5.28.2021 - Cherokee - Declined, overwhelmed

Recommended mtg  w/TN PCA according to Febe, vaccination rates need improvement, r/t resistance.


SC PCA-Sarah emailed 5/17

Call on 5/27:  Will announce to health centers but will most likely not commit after that.  Bandwidth issue

Spectrum H.C. received SOW and Budget 7/6

Pending, scheduled
AustinTravisSharad Kohli, People's Community ClinicCarynEmailed Sharad on 5/13. He responded with interest on 5/17 and copied  Monica Cavazos, Clinical Director.  Emailed Monica on 5/17 to set up time to talk but no response.  Sent another email 6/10.Pending
NewarkEssexZufall (Reena Ramirez)
Henry Austin (Kemi Ali)


St LouisSt Louis

Family Care HC

Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri

Kathy (Meg)


Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri interested 7/7

Miami DadeHealth Centers of South Dade (Tony Amofah)
Healthsource (Rick Sufari)

Rural OregonWinding Waters
SarahEmailed 5/17, they are interested in scheduling a second meeting first week in June

Sarah emailed 6/11 and again 6/16

Meeting schedule for week of 7/12 with Hope Clinic


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