YR 2 NH File Upload Page

YR 2 NH File Upload Page


  1. Please upload your files by drag+drop or by browsing your computer.

  2. Once the file is uploaded, look for the caret to the left of the file name, which will show you an expanded box. 

  3. Click the icon of the "tag," you should see a data entry box

  4. Enter the word "data" or the word "resource" into the box.  This will sort the file into the Resources or Data List. 

  5. Data file format (no spaces) (use underscores): 

    1. (YYYY_MM_DD) (NACHC Project Code) (SenderName).xls     

    2. Example: 2020_04_01_C19_ABCPCA.xls

  6. Resource file format (spaces are OK):

    1. (Date) (NACHC 3-4 letter project code) (Sender Name) (Name of document).doc     

    2. Example: 2020-04-01 C19 ABCPCA COMMENTS ON FACT SHEET.doc

File Upload Area

Files (Filtered by Type)

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Neighborhood Health NACHC Adult Vax.pptx

Sept 15, 2022 by Naomi Smith

PDF File Neighborhood Health NACHC Adult Vax.pdf

Sept 15, 2022 by Naomi Smith

PDF File Adult IZ Program Timeline (1).pdf

Sept 15, 2022 by Naomi Smith
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  • Drag and drop to upload or browse for files
  • Resources Files

    Data Files




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