HSNH July CDC Monthly Reporting Form

HSNH July CDC Monthly Reporting Form

Original form

Pre- Report Details

1. What national-level organization is working with you on this award?

National Association of Community Health Centers

2. What is the name of the organization that carried out the activities included in this report.

Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center

3. What month did your organization implement the activities shared in this report.


4. What year did your organization implemented the activities shared in this report.


5. What was the date this report was submitted to CDC.


6. Is this your first time ever completing a state-, local- and community-level report for the P4VE program


SECTION 3: Increasing Vaccination Opportunities and Enhancing Provider Partnerships


15. Total number of new partnerships established with vaccine administrators (e.g., provider groups, health clinics, health departments) to increase vaccination opportunities.

Multicultural Aids Coalition, Haitian American Public Health Initiative, Somali Development Center, Community Caring Clinic, Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Lila G Frederick Pilot School, Harambee Park Event

Is your organization a health center or other vaccine-administering health entity?



16. Number of new vaccination sites established, by partnership.

Separate (by column) COVID-19 vaccination sites and influenza vaccination sites.











16.1.  Provider groups or clinics, only




16.2.  State health departments, only




16.3.  Local health departments, only 




16.4.  2 or more partnerships listed above helped establish vaccination site (e.g., provider groups or clinics, state health departments, local health departments)





17. If known, estimate the total number of people who received a vaccine at any new or existing temporary and/or mobile vaccination site established due to any partnership. If not known, leave blank.

Separate COVID-19 vaccines administered, and influenza vaccines administered.






18. If known, estimate how many of the total number of people who received a vaccine represent members of racial and ethnic population(s) of focus. If not known, leave blank.

Separate COVID-19 vaccines administered, and influenza vaccines administered.





19. At how many unique street addresses did your organization establish a temporary and/or mobile COVID-19 or influenza vaccination site, due to any partnership?

Please use the fields that appear below to add additional information about each unique address at which a vaccination site was established. Be sure to include each unique address at which a mobile vaccination unit established a vaccination site.

Move to question 20 if your organization did not establish any vaccination sites during this reporting period.

Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Lila G Frederick School, Harambee Park

20. If applicable, describe any new educational campaigns conducted for healthcare providers or healthcare professionals, including topics covered and types of providers and professionals reached.

Health Information (e.g., forms and


Communications with Clients, Partners, and


Relationship with Media

Physical Environment

Program Development, Implementation,

and Evaluation

Internal Communication and Policies

Other factors: CLAS


SECTION 4: Successes, Challenges and Additional Information


21. If the program were to feature your organization in an upcoming webinar or program-wide communication, what new, major successes would you like to share?

If applicable, include the web addresses related to the new, major successes mentioned in your response. 

We continue to have at-home rapid antigen test kits and N-95 masks from HRSA that are available to staff, patients, and community members.

  • By 7/02/2022, we completed 7,734 (4,836 Moderna & 2,898 Pfizer) first doses of COVID-19 vaccine, 6,764 (4,321 Moderna, 2,323 Pfizer, & 120 Janssen) second doses, 84 (25 Moderna & 59 Pfizer) third doses, 2,548 (1,503 Moderna, 1008 Pfizer, & 37 Janssen) booster doses, and 260 (187 Moderna & 73 Pfizer) 2nd booster doses which makes a total of 17,390 COVID-19 Vaccine doses.

  • We continue to hold COVID-19 Vaccine clinics off-site, at Prince Hall, Multicultural Aids Coalition (MAC), Immigrant Family Service Institute (IFSI).

  • Our Mass Vax Site at Prince Hall Grand Lodge continues to host clinic Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM and walk-ins are welcome. We continue to host evening clinics on Tuesday as well as Saturday clinics.

  • The Pfizer for age 6 months – 11yrs continues to be available.

  • Pfizer, Janssen, & Moderna Booster shots (first & second) and third doses of Pfizer & Moderna for eligible individuals and those who self-attest as eligible are available.


22. What new, major challenges would your organization like to discuss during future program check-ins?

During the pandemic, we found that the Somali and Haitian immigrant communities rely heavily on information provided by their peers, friends, family members, radio, and social media in their own language. One obstacle that we face is that we need to break the circle of misinformation that people have. Some members of our community are still hesitant with vaccines and translating the information, workshops will be a great way to disseminate the messages.

  With the community we serve, and our positions in the Community, HSNHC is an excellent community organization to uphold the standards this work requires. But when reaching those who have hesitancy, it is important to see the members of our community, easy access, and information that is translated into their own language.

One more obstacle that we face is that we need to break the circle of misinformation that people have. The unvaccinated Somali and Haitian immigrant communities rely on information provided by their own peers. They get information from friends, family members, radio, and social media. This can create hesitation when it comes to the vaccine. Because we understand the influence this information will have on people, we believe that our partnership with HAPHI and SDC will make a difference

23. What additional information would you like to share about any partnerships with local organizations, coalitions, community projects, vaccination providers, or health departments? List the names of new partners and their contributions to program activities when possible.


§  Champions:  

¨       Somali Development Center (SDC)

¨       Haitian-American Public Health Initiatives (HAPHI)

§  Allies:   

¨       HSNHC Covid Team.   

§  Workgroups/Committee participation Members:

¨       BPHC COVID-19 Community Awareness


§  List partner(s) with MOUs:  

¨       HAPHI (Haitian American Health Initiative)

¨       SDC (Somali Development Center)



24. What additional context would you like to share about any of the answers provided in this report?

Leave the spaces below blank if you have no additional context to share.


24a. What would you like to share about equipping influential messengers?

Opportunities for Adult Immunization

Create simplified and consistent outreach materials in different language that is neighborhood specific.

Educate the population to eliminate hesitancy and to provide comfort.

Develop innovative strategies to help disseminate the news and information.

Advertising with zip code targeting.

Develop trust and an opportunity to ask questions.

To get the expected results, learn from methods that are successful.

 To ensure that the workplan is adhering to the mission, vision, and values.

Develop a cultural and linguistically appropriate services to improve the quality of services that are provided.

24b. What would you like to share about vaccination opportunities and provider partnerships?

Get access to the different help we provide.


Provide Charlie cards and other means of transportation to anyone facing challenges.

Understand and define Health Literacy.


Promotions, brochures. Mostly in different languages.

Other relevant Information available in other languages.

Competent translators

Create flyers in different languages. This work will be monitored by HSNHC, SDC in particular will help with their own translation.

Create trust between us and the community we serve

Influence by family members/other acquaintances

Reach out to family members that have hesitancy.

Reach out to the population that have strong opinions about this particular pandemic in general

Religions/ Beliefs

Create a safe space for dialogue. All exchange will be done with respect and with culturally competent leaders.

Access to adequate social media news. Fight myths and fake news.

Social Media

Raise awareness through our own social media and advertisement.

24c. What would you like to share about barriers to vaccine uptake?


We will be able to break barriers by following the steps mentioned in this report.

This plan and the goals and objectives stated here will be the guide to implementation. We will follow through with each goal and objective and carry out the objectives, strategies and action plans indicated in the goals.

The Program manager will be responsible to make sure that the plan is implemented in collaboration with SDC and HAPHI. Because of the religious component of working with the Somali community, Munira (SDC Coordinator) is focusing more on one-on-one dialogue and outreach with the Somali Community. On the other hand, HAPHI has weekly events at their location at Blue Hill Avenue and all the materials: flyers and brochures will be distributed in those groups



Thank you! You've reached the end of the report. 


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