June Week 3 | Developing a Point of View - ASYNC

June Week 3 | Developing a Point of View - ASYNC

Important Guidance

Two things to focus on this week:

  1. Finish your conversations with people about their experience with vaccinations

  2. Begin organizing what you heard into topics

The short videos this week are:

  1. Organizing what you heard (9 min)

  2. Reflecting Insightfully (7 min)

  3. Sneak Peek into your Final Presentation (8 min)



Click the video and use the full screen button to view.

(clicking the title will take you away from this page to vimeo.)



1. Organizing What You Heard




2. Reflecting Insightfully




3. Sneak Peek Presentation



To-do’s for this week: 

  1. Watch the videos above.

  2. Finish 7-12 open-ended conversations

  3. Begin organizing what you heard into topic areas

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