March 13th 2024 Call
Video Notes:
Sonia - PHD RN
Jessica - PA PHD
El Rio Planning Notes
Manning house - 3,4 and 5 of June confirmed
Maggie wants to come - dr garcia wants to? Working on it
monday 8:30am and wed 3:30 - Sonia’s flight
Agenda ideas -
Program start on lunch Monday thru noon or 1 on Wednesday
Dinner at 5:30 on Monday
Monday afternoon stage activities for kids/families - videos?
Celebration with senior El Rio leadership + CDC?
Main objectives: celebration + harvest curriculum
Photo/video opportunity - bringing back past graduates/special activity - get everyone together to show program in actions
Celebration - certificates go to everyone - tuesday - class
Late afternoon tuesday - dinner/happy hour
Shelley to talk to marketing about photography
harvest/curriculum - 3 hr block on tuesday
monday afternoon prep- getting ready - dinner - tuesday (meat of curriculum) other prep, block of time before offficial celebration - official celebration - then happy hour/dinner
Maggie to help set up
highlight catch program and learning session - potentially cooking demo as well
double tree downtown - shelley recommendation for hotel
Monday afternoon potential class - dr mockbee wants to be included (potentially other colleagues as well)
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