Meeting Notes CDC/NACHC August 2023-present

Meeting Notes CDC/NACHC August 2023-present



Action items




Action items




  1. NACHC to provide feedback on all forms and shared work space

  2. Brianna and Jeanne to explore engagement activities for up to 150 attendees

  3. Brianna to send headshots; Thea to send headshot. Brianna and team (science partners)

  4. Brianna to send announcements for each call

  5. Sarah to talk with Ron/Kathy about DNPAO and MATCH funding


A. Where we are and First CLA Call

B. Funding/Contracts


I. Where we are:

  1. Building out shared work space: by end of week

  2. AAP creating roster form--who’s here?

  3. AAP build out information feedback questionnaires--to be filled out individually (1) AND team (2)

  4. Attendees--now up to 58 awardees (VA DOH)

    1. feedback from DNPAO and DDT that attendees received the call information and were excited about it

  5. First Call

    1. Who’s in the room

    2. Walking through one-pager

    3. Roles/Responsibilities--work not reporting

    4. Engagement activities (pending advice)

    5. How to use shared platform

    6. First steps

    7. Science Partners announcements




Learning Alliance

  • CDC to get point person for FQHC for each awardee. and

  • create a blurb on what the learning alliance is all about. Due the week of December 15th

  • Jeanne to send collaborate site.

  • Sarah to send Jeanne HOP info.



  1. Learning Alliance updates

  2. COMMIT products

    1. Testimonial Reel—Dec 2023

    2. Implementation Guide—Dec 2023

  3. COMMIT activities

    1. Dissemination—PCA meetings, others

    2. Nita work


  1. MATCH approach was shared last meeting. Next steps: Where does learning alliance come in, Brianna/Renee, ??

Need to create a one-pager on HOW MUCH TIME and what is the lift for this Learning Alliance. Include office hours, etc..


Soft launch in January

Onboarding--smaller with key contact points, who to bring to the table---2-3 months

Phase 1--more people at the table, basics…

Ready to go group---10 across all awardees who are already using MEND


  1. Admin:

    1. Kathy/Sarah to get SOW back to Jeanne. Also meet with Thea

    2. Jeanne/Sarah to discuss setting up a Sharepoint

    3. Send Table of Contents to CDC/etc..

  2. CDC will be sending participant PPTs to this group so we know what has been implemented

  1. FHWP Implementation Co-Learning Alliance updates

  2. NACHC product updates:

    1. Testimonial reel—Dec 1

    2. Implementation Guide—Nov 9

    3. Updated website—Dec 15

  3. COMMIT work

    1. Contracting

    2. Convening

  1. Thea Runyan runyanfine@gmail.com has been hired with CDC under Veritas--writing SOW, focused on recipient support. Thea as SME/Expert on the panel for AAP. Guide and design learning collaborative. NACHC to send Jeanne back the SOW to then sent to Veritas---need background and approach and then write the SOW to match that.


Key principles:


  • AAP, NACHC and the SMEs will partner collectively and collaboratively to design, execute and monitor the Learning Alliance.

  • A key goal for this Learning Alliance is to foster spread and scale Family Healthy Weight Programs with sustainability beyond grant period as a priority aspect of implementation

  • Also fundamental to Learning Alliance is the goal of fostering a centralized, coordinating and focused system/body to synergize learnings aross various sites implementing these FHWP programs (regardless of funding stream, location or selected FHWP).

  • Family Healthy Weight Programs are an evidene-based way of delivering IHBLT and are a critical component of obesity treatment as outlined in the AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines which includes a whole child pediatric lens.


  1. Sarah to get Jessica’s final presentation and pull out keys that can be a blog, on website, etc… Next call--debrief what to do with lessons learned from conference . 4 health center folks--Ryan, Jessica, Vinnie, Mona

  2. Consider Names

  3. Await Contract

  4. Discuss Microlearnings with Jessica/Jeannie

  1. AAP Conference debrief

  2. CDC/AAP/NACHC/MATCH collaborative updates names

  3. CDC/AAP/NACHC/MATCH contract

  4. CDC/AAP/NACHC/MATCH content

  5. COMMIT Y6 discussion

  1. 500+ attendees at Jessica session. Bridge clinical and public health to disseminate evidence based and equitable care to the populations who need it most. 4 health center folks--Ryan, Jessica, Vinnie, Mona

  2. A. Naming“Multi-method adult learning principles---New names:

    1. FHWP Implementation Co-Learning Alliance: Facilitated and co-designed model with stakeholders and SME’s, using evidence-based core competencies, quality improvement process  with a  primary aim to build capacity for partners to implement FHWPs with sustainment

    2. FHWP Implementation Co-Learning Network

    3. FHWP Learn Together Network: A name that emphasizes the importance of collaboration and shared knowledge in the learning process.

    4. FHWP Co-Learn Connect B. Contracting---still waiting. AAP will be funding NACHC at 49%. Pre-planning built in. Need access to Sharepoint, AMP, etc..


    6. C. Two main questions…what is FHWP and how does one implement one--not just nutrition and physical activity? CDC updating AMP will some videos and content, but very little interaction. Leverage microlearnings? Videos, etc… then implementation guide


  1. Jeanne to follow up with NACHC on SOW once received. AAP to explore reporting.--maybe centralizing? AAP exploring landscape analysis


In the next two months?

  • AAP/NACHC to begin design of Learning Community content. Include ALL FHWP. Engaging key partners and SMEs

  • Set up space (online)

  • Set up convening groups--regionally? (Marissa has a spreadsheet)

  • How to communicate this

  • Begin convening early 2024

  1. DNPAO/DDT/MATCH Updates (we need a one-word or one acronym for this 😊)—All

  2. NACHC COMMIT Products update (Sarah)

    1. Implementation Guide

    2. Testimonial Reel

    3. Standard NACHC slide deck

    4. Standard pictorials, etc…

  3. AAP Meeting in DC--All

    1. COMMIT presentation:  Jessica

    2. Poster presentation:  Nita

    3. Time/place to meet up?

  4. Other?

  1. a. Jeanne had a conversation about SOW/funding. Pending this week?? b. AMP is reporting site, not easy to upload, etc.. Not a learning management system. Emory may be building a LMS. c. Landscape analysis--building templates, but not a one-size-fits-all.




  1. Sept 18th convening follow-up and next steps

  2. Meeting structure/cadence for T/TA support

  3. NACHC resources in progress

    1. Testimonials—writing and reels

    2. 2022-23 COMMIT reports

    3. Implementation Guide

  1. Positive feedback

    1. pending jamboard notes, but collected items in the room.

    2. Breakout sessions were a “hit”.

    3. Weight bias, stigma, populations---corrections, LGTBQI kids.

    4. Jeanne and Jessica stayed in one breakout each time, so was able to meet everyone.

    5. Concerns: weight bias/stigma, data collection, New Hampshire is “weight neutral”--maybe looking at language into a “healthy body” for them. What if a person could be involved in more than one program…what do you do with that? Motivational interviewing to see best fit at that time….

    6. Sounds like applicants thought that this program was less intensive, and not a “treatment” focus.

  2. There has been no follow up re: DNPAO (Veritas) or MATCH. Brianna setting up weekly one-hour calls---leadership meeting, etc… Calls to be organized:

    1. DDT Meeting and Eval,

    2. DNPAO Meetings and Eval;

    3. CDC/NACHC meetings,

    4. Office hours


  1. None

  2. FWHP creating mini videos to share what their program is all about so. Plus flyer. Jeanne has meeting with MATCH folks the week before Sept 18th

  1. DDT project

  2. NOFO

  1. DDT project officers call today and then presentation Sept 18th

  2. NOFO: still pending funding. Renee and team looking to support in the interim. Planning after Sept 18th. Also planning office hours. Minimize duplicity. Renee and team fully responsible for content/strategy. Brianna is the new project manager for this work.

Jeanne needs to write SOW and needs budget from NACHC


  1. “Know Before You Start” kit for partners---what is Family Healthy Weight, testimonials, etc…



  1. Learning Collaboratives (AAP/NACHC)

    1. Updates on funding/contracting?

    2. How to socialize the work through photos, testimonials

  2. 2022-23 close out

    1. Final Reports

    2. Implementation Guide

  3. CHI Conference

    1. Peer-to-peer session

    2. Mini-convening of COMMIT members to weigh in on implementation guide

1. Learning Collaboratives

Need to develop a “Know Before You Start” kit for partners---what is Family Healthy Weight, testimonials, etc…





A. Sonia Video105088-20230426-Jonathan Uy - Share a COMMIT patient story!.mp4

B. COMMIT photos/quotes






Sarah (NACHC)

Kathy (NACHC)

Renee (CDC)

Jeanne (AAP)

  1. None

  2. HOLD for word from EMORY to AAP

  3. Meet with Jessica to determine timelines and products

  4. Await technical review then contracting with Jessica, Legacy Teams, etc..

  1. CDC Updates

  2. AAP/NACHC Technical Assistance with Grantees

  3. 2022-23 CloseOut

  4. 2023-24 Planning


a.      The Six: HOP 9, REACH 13, 4 others---should meet 4 times per year “program learning community”

b.      No update to/from AAP, no partners meeting, Jeremiah as SME (travelling), Jeanne (virtual

c.      Nebraska did RFA for community selection—possibly strong approach for all awardees

d.      Three pieces

   i.     CDC T/A—budgetary, etc…

  ii.     Collaborative –AAP/NACHC—provide content that would work with everyone iii.     Nebraska to help provide T/A—maybe support The Six

e.      Milestones

          i.     Recipients

          ii.     Collaborative

            iii.     Evaluation

f.       Content

      i.     Start with weight bias and stigma

    ii.     What is Family Healthy Weight (basics)

g.      Emory/ACEDS

     i.     Contracted with DDT (33)--NOA already went out with effective date of July 1


        i.     DNPAO—will fund us separately (22)

      ii.     NOA will have start date of Sept 28th



  1. 2022-23 Close Out (Sarah)

a.      COMMIT Report--Jessica compiling

b.      Testimonials--NACHC Comms sifting through…needs the “why”

c.      Nita work--continuning

  1. 2023-24 Planning

a.      COMMIT CHC involvement.

b.      Resources

        i.     Standardized Slide decks (based on implementation guide

   ii.     Implementation Guide

    iii.      Case studies/storyboards






























































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