Year 6 COMMIT Brainstorming Notes

Year 6 COMMIT Brainstorming Notes








Summary of Activities from Year 5

  1. Continued to keep programs going

  2. All teams still working on adaptations from MEND--cultural and equity

  3. Implementation strategies

  4. Sustainability

  5. Building of Implementation Guide

  6. Cohort mentality (Legacy Team calls, etc..)…continue to learn and support each other

  7. HOP

    1. Learned a lot from a different set/scenarios of learners, and those outside the health center world

    2. Meaningful, but not as connecting as most learning community


Products from Year 5


  1. Testimonials

  2. Videos

  3. Implementation Guide

  4. Come to the Table 2 versions plus eval

  1. Working with CAD and CDC comms

  2. Working with CAD and CDC comms

  3. Implementation Guide--9 chapters--outline, basically a chapter a week and version by end of August to then be designed


Discussion for Y6

  1. Legacy Teams

  2. Road Show

  3. Technical Assistance (formal or informal)



  1. Legacy teams: Pay for their time, not for implementation. Or minor funding for implementation ($10K)

  2. /3. How do you implement intensive interventions, using Implementation Guides (use like Come to the Table). Perhaps same audience. Health centers/HCCNs/PCAs and do a 3-6 hour learning lab. Jessica and Nita with a Legacy Team member

Jessica’s time

At least 50% time, but will confirm end of June



Next call after July 4


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