1.25.21 Assessing: Data collection, coding, and flow

1.25.21 Assessing: Data collection, coding, and flow

PRAPARE Data Collection:

  • Uphill Climb- moving from the PRAPARE paper tool to implementation in the EHR systems.
    • Will need to consider who will collect the data,  how is the data collected and who is to review the data? 
  • Best Practices- Use the latest version of PRAPARE 
    • User-friendly interface 
    • Map to specific ICD-10 codes and LONIC codes 
    • Compare  your population to other PRAPARE populations using the same measurement
  • How is the PRAPARE template completed?
    • Reference slide 11 
    • Comment:
      • Patient completes the paper version of PRAPARE and the staff then inputs into the template. they felt that patients needed privacy to fill out some of the questions.
      • Cloud-based referral platform (non EMR)
      • Otech. Privacy
      • Ask patients directly and then enter into the EMR 
      • eClinicalWorks and use their Kiosks/ipads to capture this info. We are working towards using Contactless Check In (text link to complete SDOH on their mobile device). Data is structured and reportable.
      • SMS via CareMessage
        • One-time text message survey 
        • Integrate with EHR (barrier that is under consideration)
      • Call patients to complete PRAPARE on a day they do not have a medical visit
    • Question: For anyone using a tablet or kiosk I am curious if you have to use another system and that imports into your chart or do they log into their portal?
      • Depending on your vendor it could require the usage of a separate vendor.
  • When Is PRAPARE completed?
    • Reference Slide 13 
  • Which team member completes the template?
    • Reference Slide 14
    • Question to consider- If the provider is not the team member who completes the template- how is it shared with provider? 
      • Reports
      • Team Huddles 

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