2020-10-30 Meeting notes

2020-10-30 Meeting notes




  • Agenda:

    Review of action plan and project goals

    Schedule CDC "presentation"

    Next Steps re: Partners

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items
  • Ongoing
  • Funded by CDC
  • this is 3rd year
  • has been solely Russell

 Identify data elements in the EHR - HEP C treatment cascade - diagnosis to cure.

There have been findings, data collection and aggregation.

There are findings - what happens if you follow a cascade with dependent ttasks - you get fewer people that way than if you look at all data without dependencies.

Will workw ith a partner, probably AllianceChicago that will have the cascade - they will work wsiht health cetners to implementa  local version of that.  They can click on an area of focus like "someone who tested positive' and that pops up a dashboard that has patient information.

To see what interventions that patients are being pushed through from screening to cure - treatment is 12 weeks.  CDC may not get into treatment... much but we will work with that because we need to do something for the health centers.


This might be final year for the funding.

CDC really wants the tasks - can we move the needle - an impact on one year?

OCHIN built a dashboard - the goal is for CHCs to import the data into Tableau - this has not happened yet.  It's the plan.  there is a contract with OCHIN... for HEPC, but now talking creation of HEPB dashboard - PC and rb say it is not useful. CDC insists on this focus.

Not a problem to have the Network partner and then the CHCs partners soon after.

Should be sustainable when the project stops

Launch January

Put together findings

These are the cascade measures and quality measures

Onboard the network

Onboard the centers

$145K - and $400K carryover from staff that were not on in Y1.  

NExt thursday mtg at 9am - Pedro no.

Action items


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