2024-01-11 Draft DUA Signature Process

2024-01-11 Draft DUA Signature Process




  1. The program team (Informatics, PHIT, Million Hearts, etc.) would draft the SOW and select the appropriate DUA based on our Data Governance DUA guidelines (in process)  

  2. The program teams sends the blank budget form, SOW, and DUA document to the vendor for their review.

  3. The vendor sends back their budget and their agreement or comments on the SOW and DUA. 

    1. Program team resolves questions and comments from the vendor.

    2. If the vendor has requested changes to the DUA, the program team goes through appropriate process (TBD) to request that the legal team review the language, and program team facilitates the process until both NACHC and the vendor are in agreement.   

  4. The program team creates a Contract Request in Cobblestone and attaches SOW, DUA, and Budget.

  5. The usual Cobblestone process is followed so that the SOW and the DUA are signed at the same time through the Adobe Sign/Cobblestone process.



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