2020-12-14 Meeting notes

2020-12-14 Meeting notes



Sarah Price


Keli Dennis




  1. Administrative
    1. Scope of Work/Budget + planning
  2. Confluence overview
  3. Flu Data pull
  4. Other?

Discussion items

ItemNotesAction Items
AdministrativeSOW/Budget submitted, awaiting contract from NACHC finance

Deliverable 1:  Data, Personas being completed this week by Winding Waters team
  • Sarah to send Persona guidance to Keli 

Data:  question whether OCHIN would be running Winding Water data

  • Sarah emailed Erin from OCHIN to ask about overlap in Data. 
FluFree doses:  public health department has not given any additional flu yet


Winding Waters providers who also work at local hospital will be getting Pfizer vaccine around Christmas

Other staff may get in January, but will be Moderna.

Plan is to stagger immunization

Patients will begin receiving in early spring

Dear Confluence Users, If you need support for use of Atlassian tools, please contact informatics@nachc.com whether you have technical issues, need feature assistance, or simply have questions.